- The Phoumi regime became the recipient of American military aid. 富米政权成了美国军事援助的接受者。
- The president opposes giving military aid to this country. 总统拒绝向该国提供军事援助。
- The president opposes giving military aid to his country. 总统反对向该国提供军事援助。
- President Truman's policy of providing economic and military aid to any country threatened by communism or totalitarian ideology. 为受共产主义威胁的国家提供经济与军事援助的美国杜鲁门总统的政策。
- We struggled to furnish what economic and military aid for south Vietnam and Cambodia was obtainable from Congress. 我们曾力争从国会手中多得到点经济和军事援助,交给南越和柬埔寨。
- In era of shrinking armed forces, America turns to private firms to carry out foreign military aid. 在武装部队缩减的时代,美国转而求助私营公司履行军事援外工作。
- Before the election, Senator Biden said the United States should cut military aid to Pakistan if the polls were rigged. 在巴基斯坦议会选举开始前,拜登参议员说,如果选举被操纵,美国就应当切断对巴基斯坦的军事援助。
- Congresswoman Nita Lowey criticized the bill for placing no restrictions on military aid to two countries, Indonesia and Guatemala. 国会女议员Nita Lowey批评该提案没有对印尼和危地马拉两国的军事援助做任何限制。
- Investigation also revealed that funds from the arms sales had been diverted to the Nicaraguan contras during a period when Congress had prohibited such military aid. 此外,调查也披露,这些武器交易中所得的款项被转移到尼加拉瓜反政府武装组织的手里,但在这一时期,美国国会早已禁止此类性质的军事援助。
- Military aid to Egpyt Egypt will remain at $1.3 billion a year, in addition to an economic aid package still be in being negotiate d . 对埃及仍保持每年13亿军事资助,另正商讨是否需要对其进行经济物质资助。
- Iran has deftly used military aid to both Hamas and Hezbollah to create a rocket-armed force on Israel’s northern and western borders. 伊朗已经驾轻就熟地对哈马斯和真主党给予军事援助,其目的是在以色列的北部和西部边界打造一个用火箭弹武装的力量。
- America's coffer of goodies is big: $1.5 billion in aid for each of the next five years and nearly $3 billion in counterinsurgency military aid. 美国开出的条件相当诱人:今后每五年都提供15亿美元的资金援助,并提供近30亿美元的反叛乱军事援助。
- Democratic Representative Howard Berman, who heads the House Foreign Affairs Committee, asked these questions about a potential military aid package. 众议院外交委员会主席、民主党议员伯曼就可能的军事援助提出问题。
- In Nigeria, where the US recently restored military aid after an era of dictatorship, some aid will pay for a private firm to train a more responsible military. 在尼日利亚结束了独裁专制时代之后,美国最近恢复了对该国的军事援助,某些援助将采用付款的办法请一家私营公司帮助训练一支更负责任的军队。
- Using threats to hold back economic or military aid, it cajoled about 100 states into signing bilateral accords to keep Americans out of the court's grip. 通过威胁撤销军事或经济援助等手段,美国连哄带骗地劝说约100个国家同它签署双边协议以摆脱法院束缚。
- In 1992, after Indonesian military units massacred peaceful demonstrators in Dili, East Timor, Congress terminated military aid to the Indonesian government. 在1992年,印尼军方在东帝汶的首都帝力大量屠杀和平示威者之后,美国国会终止了对印尼政府的军方援助。
- The standstill of Middle East peace process and the growing rampancy of terroris m have put the military aid relationship between the United States and Israel in a dilemma. 中东和平进程的停滞与恐怖主义日益猖獗已经置美以军事援助关系于一种两难境地。
- It means to give the most-needed and timely aid. 它的意思是给予最需要的及时的帮助。
- Conclude anti-aggression alliances and anti-Japanese pacts for mutual military aid with all countries that are opposed to Japanese aggression,provided that this entails no loss of our territory or of our sovereign rights. 在不丧失领土主权的范围内,和一切反对日本侵略主义的国家订立反侵略的同盟及抗日的军事互助协定。
- Marquis de Vauban are Napoleon's most famous military strategist, Napoleon is the most effective military aides. 沃邦侯爵是拿破仑年代最著名的军事家,也是拿破仑最得力的军事助手。