- Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet. 哎哟!沙子这么烫!会烫伤脚的。
- The sand blew into the food and made it gritty. 砂吹进食物中,里边尽是砂子。
- Coffee and tea are mild stimulants. 咖啡和茶都是温和的兴奋剂。
- The punishment inflicted on them was too mild. 他们受的惩罚太轻。
- The children were playing in the sand pit. 孩子们在沙坑中玩耍。
- The tractor has make deep furrow in the loose sand. 曳引机在松软的沙土上留下了深深的车辙。
- But sure the antique Greeks were far more mild. 但可以肯定,古希腊人对我们这一性。
- The sun blazed down on the sand. 阳光强烈地晒在沙滩上。
- His company was built on the sand. 他的公司根基不稳固。
- Mild, kind, yet earnest reproof. 告诫,劝谏温和的,和善的,但诚挚的谴责
- She won't object -- she's so meek and mild. 她不会有异议的--她一向是逆来顺受。
- Please make my drink a mild one. 请把我的酒调得淡一点。
- The river has scour out a passage in the sand. 这条河在沙土中冲出一条水道。
- She suffered from a mild stomach disorder. 她患轻度胃病。
- The boat grounded on a sand bank. 船只搁浅在沙洲上。
- It's been a mild winter this year. 今年的冬天一直很暖和。
- The kid dug a tunnel in the sand. 小孩在沙堆里挖了一个地道。
- He gave a mild answer, in spite of his annoyance. 他尽管已恼火,但回答得还是很和蔼。
- It fell onto the wet sand, then sank (in). 那个东西掉在潮湿的沙子上,然後沉了下去。
- The bond that binds the smugglers together is a rope of sand. 把走私犯联接起来的是条沙做的绳子,一碰就碎。