- If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case. 如果你仍然得了流感,也许只会是比较轻微的症状。
- A mild case of flu. 轻度流感的病例
- Mild cases can be treated with oral TMP-SMX throughout. 轻度感染可以接受口服增效磺胺甲基异唑。
- Many mild cases are observed in which fever is low and of short duration. 许多轻微病例表现出低热和病程短。
- Mild cases of niacin deficiency respond to a well-balanced diet alone. 轻症或可疑为烟碱酸缺乏症者只用均衡饮食治疗即可收到满意效果。
- In mild cases, it may actually disappear after the engine is warmed up. 在轻微的情况下,当发动机变暖之后,这种情况实际上会消失。
- In the case of CAIS (female sex organs present) and some mild cases of PAIS (male sex organs present), the decision is easy, in others quite difficult. 对于男性性激素完全失敏性综合征的病例(呈现女性器官)和略微轻度的男性性激素部分失敏性综合征的病例(呈现男性性器官),这种取舍会比较容易;
- In mild cases, stop using the herb or decrease the dosage then symptoms will subside. In case of large dosage, promote vomiting. 轻者停药或减量;症状即可消失.;大剂量者则催吐或洗胃
- It may become life-threatening in severe cases; in mild cases symptoms may recur. Hormone treatment may be effective. 其严重者危及生命,轻者皮疹易复发。荷尔蒙治疗有不同程度的疗效。结节红斑常与链球菌感染及药物、结节病有关。
- People with mild cases of frostbite that affect only the skin may not suffer any permanent damage. 如果冻疮不太严重,仅仅在皮肤表面,不会产生永久性的损伤。
- Topical creams may help mild cases but antifungal pills are your best chance of curing a severe infection. 对于一般的情况外用药膏可以治疗,但是对于严重的感染最好服用抗真菌的药片进行治疗。
- In that case you'll have to clear yourself. 那样,你只得自行辩白了。
- Seek medical attention for all but mild cases, as there is risk of septicemia and gangrene in more severe cases. 除轻微症状外,都要进行药物治疗,因为情况严重时会有发生败血症和坏疽的危险。
- Treatment of mild cases of HFMD is symptomatic, given to provide relief from fever, aches, or pain from mouth ulcers. 对于轻微的HFMD症候的治疗,一般采用针对减轻高烧,疼痛,或嘴部溃烂的方式来加以治疗。
- In this case, let's start earlier. 既然这样,我们就早点开始。
- The femoral head ostectomy is a last resort procedure and generally is not recommended for mild cases of arthritis. 股骨端截面手术是一种不得已的手术,通常不会被用在轻度关节炎上。
- For mild cases of depression which do not need medical attention, a little caffeine can be an effective antidepressant. 对于轻微的尚不需要药物治疗的抑郁症,少量的咖啡因能有效地缓解抑郁。
- The researchers found little to indicate that the benefits of giving them to children for mild cases of swine flu would outweigh the risks. 研究人员指出,对儿童施用此药只会使猪流感的症状稍有缓解,但带来的危险却远超药物疗效。
- In more mild cases, doctors hypothesize that inflammation somehow changes the normal enironment of the uterus, fallopian tubes or oaries. 医生们推测,更多的轻度患者的炎症可能改变了子宫、输卵管或卵巢的正常环境。
- Nothing short of this could mend the case. 不这样就不能挽回局面。