- middle metacarpal bone 第三掌骨
- Results Comminuted fracture of metacarpal bone and phalange is all heal up. 结果粉碎性掌指骨均愈合,手功能良好。
- Methods Keeping the radial-sided soft tissues intact, the residual index finger to be transposed was severed from the 2nd metacarpal bone of the middle finger by an incision over the web between the two fingers. 方法保留残存示指桡侧疤痕皮肤和周围组织 ,仅在示、中指指蹼间作纵形切口 ,分离截断示指掌骨 ,然后旋前位移向拇指。
- Objective To explore a new treating method of serious open and comminuted fracture of metacarpal bone and phalange. 目的探讨开放性、粉碎性掌指骨骨折的治疗新方法。
- Methods Metacarpal bone defect was repaired through dissociating rib myocutaneous flap of dog. 方法通过游离犬的肋骨肌皮瓣修复掌骨缺损。
- Results Comminuted fracture of metacarpal bone and phalange is all heal up.Hand function is good. 结果粉碎性掌指骨均愈合,手功能良好。
- Its vertical motion is executed from the point where its metacarpal bone joins the wrist, and therefore we must lower the wrist when the thumb plays. 垂直运动是从掌骨与腕关节关联处开始的,所以当我们用拇指弹奏时,必须将腕关节下降。
- Conclusion The animal experiment of rib myocutaneous flap possessed of vascular bridge repairing metacarpal bone defect is feasible,which can be cl... 结论带血管桥的肋骨肌皮瓣修复掌骨缺损的动物实验可行,临床可以参考实施。
- The results indicate that the growth rate of the length of the second metacarpal bone and the height during adolescence is almost parallel All t... 第二掌骨长度/身高指数比较恒定,以第二掌骨长度推算身高是简便可行的。
- Objective It is to discuss the feasibility of rib myocutaneous flap possessed of vascular bridge repairing metacarpal bone defect. 目的探讨带血管桥的肋骨肌皮瓣修复掌骨缺损的可行性。
- Major clinic manifestation are skin pigmentation,as well as metacarpal bone overkeratosis.Water arsenic content is normal. 临床表现主要为皮肤色素改变、掌跖过度角化等皮肤病变,水砷含量超标情况不严重。
- Objective:Outside discusses the forearm to revolve the gypsum to hold fixedly to treat the first metacarpal bone base base bone fracture dislocation clinical practice effect. 目的:探讨前臂旋转石膏托外固定治疗第一掌骨基底部骨折脱位的临床应用效果。
- The interposed bone graft incorporated well into first metacarpal bone and basal joint function was restored in one year follow-up.Functional results were achieved satisfactorily. 术后一年的追踪,这个植入的移植骨与第一掌骨有良好的愈合且基底关节活动良好,病患在功能上获得令人满意的结果。
- Its metacarpal bone is free from the other bones and is not tied to them by ligaments. 它的掌骨与由于不受韧带的束缚,是与其它指骨分开的。
- Methods In order to rebuild metacarpal bone and phalange,using absorb string to inner regularize comminuted bones. 方法应用可吸收线内固定骨碎块重建掌、指骨。
- I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time. 我腻烦了总是夹在争吵双方的中间。
- He planted roses in the middle of the garden. 他在花园中间种上玫瑰。
- Fracture of first metacarpal bone 第一掌骨骨折
- He admires the chivalry of knights in Middle Ages. 他很佩服中世纪武士的侠义精神。
- It has its roots deep in the Middle Ages. 它起源于遥远的中世纪。