- LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility. 最后担任的职位:中等管理阶级的目标。
- What if the SD for Principal is 0.06 and that for the Middle Management 1.12? 假如校长的标准差(SD)是0.;06,而中管理层的是1
- Lion food refers to middle management or HQ staff in American companies. ““狮子的食物””指的是美国公司里的中层管理者或公司总部职员。
- Department heads are classified as middle managers. 部门经理被划分为中层。
- Since he was only in the middle management, his meagre salary was not sufficient for him to make ends meet. 不过,他怎样的会拉下这许多亏空的呢?
- Middle managers are endlessly sucking up to those bosses. 中层管理者们一直在讨好那些老板。
- When in Tomson, she had insight into front line service and middle management human resource management. 后来她又在TOMSON(中国)有限公司先后从事人事和销售工作,熟悉一线销售工作和中基层人事人事管理。
- A key assumption is that middle management exercises proper judgment in selectively exhibiting leniencies. 关键的前提是,中层管理者给予宽容的度要把握好。
- I'm caught in that tough spot between the administration and the rank-and-file. I tell you it's rough being in the middle management. 我夹在管理阶层和基层员工之间,两头为难。做中间管理工作实在够苦的。
- This would pay for our stationery in New York--don't worry about it. You mandate is to export 15 middle management people to New York every year. 这也就够花旗在纽约的公司买办公用品的--别管它了。你的任务就是每年向纽约出口15名中层管理人员。
- In middle management, however, there are still local idiosyncrasies, “For instance, a lot of Germans still put their photo on their CV,” she says. 但对中层管理职位来说,简历仍颇具本土色彩。“譬如,很多德国人仍会把自己的照片贴在简历上。”
- Many young members of middle management are seconded into HR for a year because their firms feel they can identify with job-seeking graduates. 许多中层管理的员工会借调到人事部一年,因为他们的公司认为他们应该能挑选那些求职的毕业生。
- And middle management as the backbone of enterprises, the implementation of the strategy-to-business plays an important role. 而中层管理人员作为企业的中坚力量,对企业的战略实施具有十分重要的作用。
- The two means of 4.01 give the impression that the Principal and the Middle Management were equally favorably evaluated. 两个平均数4.;01似乎显示校长与中管理层得到同样的好评。
- A familial relationship has emerged within the department, and many designers have advanced to middle management positions. 部门内有着家庭般的和谐气氛,许多设计师被提升到公司中级管理职位。
- Profile: Financial Controller Short description:The Financial Controller is middle management position, who should direc...... ... 公司名称:上海方尔达企业管理有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-7-8
- Fabrice, an average middle manager, is the ultimate fan of Johnny Hallyday. 任职中层管理的法比斯可说是歌手尊尼.雅莱特的终极拥趸。
- The Role of Middle Management Is to govern the next level of staff to meet the Company set objective and together as a team to excel in the daily performance. 中层管理者的作用就是要管理下属员工以达到公司既定目标,并组成团队优化日常表现。
- Please describe the reference group against which you rate the applicant in Questions 4 and 5. (Reference group may be: University graduate, middle management etc. 请您对申请者在第4及5问题中的各项内容其在群体中所处位置给出评价。(参考群体如:大学生、中层管理及其他相关群体)
- After flirting with a conventional corporate hierarchy, Googles middle management is now kept to a minimum, because “an excess of oversight was putting a damper on innovation”. 尝试过传统的公司层级后,谷歌现在力求减少中层管理者的人数,因为“过多的监管会抑制创新”。