- In this paper,a detailed synoptic case study of easterly wave which influenced the middle and lower Yangtze River is analyzed. 本文对影响长江中下游的东风波进行了详细的天气学个俐分析。
- After completion of TGP, the flood control situation of the middle and lower Yangtze river, especially the Jingjiang reach, will be improved radically. 三峡工程建成后长江中下游特别是荆江防洪形势将会发生根本性的改善。
- Riprap protection of bank was applied in the middle and lower Yangtze River and many other rivers at home and abroad. 摘要抛石护岸历史悠久,在长江中下游及国内外各大河流中应用较为普遍。
- The Dam has a limited ability to control flood; in middle and lower Yangtze River valley, it will hinder the rare and valuable water animals and fishes from swimming from the middle and lower river to the upper riv-r for reproduction. 水坝控制中、下游洪涝灾害的能力是有一定限度的,会阻碍某些生活在中、下游的珍稀水兽和其它鱼类游到上游繁殖。
- the Middle and Lower Yangtze River 长江中下游地区
- On trunk levee design standard in middle and lower Yangtze river 长江中下游干流堤防设计标准
- Bifurcated Channel Stretches Regulation in Middle and Lower Yangtze River 长江中下游分汊河段的整治
- Hydrologic Flood Routing Model for the Middle and Lower Yangtze River 长江中下游水文学洪水演进模型研究
- Application of L-moment based regional flood frequency analysis method to middle and lower Yangtze River 线性矩法在长江中下游区域水文频率计算中的应用
- Consideration on management decision of sand mining in trunk stream of the middle and lower Yangtze river 关于长江中下游干流河道采砂管理决策的思考
- Research and exploration on sand mining plan in trunk stream of the middle and lower Yangtze river 长江中下游干流河道采砂规划研究与探索
- Three topics on the countryside pawnshop in the middle and lower Yangtze River in modern times 近代长江中下游地区农村典当三题
- Preliminary discussion on the relation of river regime, navigation channel stability and sand mining in middle and lower Yangtze river 初论长江中下游河道采砂与河势及航道稳定
- Discussion on variations of flood water level and riverbed erosion and deposition for the middle and lower Yangtze River 长江中下游洪水位与河床冲淤关系初探
- Consideration on licensing way of sand mining management right for permitted sand mining area in trunk channel of middle and lower Yangtze river 对长江河道可采区采砂经营权许可方式的思考
- Experiences in water environment management of the Rhine River Basin and their enlightenment to comprehensive regulation of the middle and lower Yangtze River 莱茵河流域水环境管理的经验对长江中下游综合治理的启示
- The middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River are the foreland tectonic belt of the Dabieshan orogen. 长江中下游地区,是大别造山带的前陆构造带。
- Hanjiang River is the largest branch of the Yangtze River and also the middle and lower reaches are the highest intensive economic bases of Hubei Province. 摘要汉江是长江最大的支流,汉江中下游地区是湖北省经济基础最强的地区。
- Firstly, Lake Taihu is located in floodplain of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River with high trophic history. 由于水浅和沉水植被的退化使得频繁的风浪扰动造成内源营养盐负荷维持在一个非常高的水平;
- During the late Yanshanian cycle, the extensional reactivation occurred in the middle and lower Yangtze region. 对冲带在燕山晚期以来遭受伸展作用的改造,逐渐解体和分异。