- mid and old age people 中老年人
- Middle and old age people in city 城区中老年
- It is suitable for middle and old aged people with kidney deficiency, depression feelings, sexual apathy, short penis and weak ejaculation. 适用于中老年体肉肾虚,心情抑郁,性欲冷淡,阴茎短小、射精无力的人群。
- Conclusion The most common OA occurring parts of middle and old aged people are knee and lumbar, the less are hand and coxa in Fuzhou. 结论福州市中老年人OA以膝、腰椎多见,手、髋OA少见。
- the middle-age and old aged people 中老年人
- Birth and old age, sickness and death, no one can avoid. 生老病死是不以人的意志为转移的。
- This equipment is only suitable for middle and old age patients. 这项仪器,只适用于中老年患者。
- Spring is a time when youth dreams and old age remembers. 春天是青年人梦想将来和老年人缅怀过去的季节。
- Evaluation of Normal Mid and Old Ages Regional Left Ventricular Contraction Using Color Kinesis 彩色室壁运动技术评价正常中老年人左室壁收缩功能
- After eating the milk powder for mid dle and old age,The dejecta of animals was softer and more than control gro up. 动物实验组较对照组排便量明显增加、粪便软化、水分含量高。
- Male and old age were the risk factors to higher aerobic conjunctival flora. 高龄和男性是结膜囊带菌量较高的危险因素。
- middle age and old age people 中老年人
- Mid and Late Stage Old Age Cancer Patients 中晚期老年癌症患者
- Effects of Long-term Mulanquan Exercise on Balance Regulation of Middle and Old Aged People 长期木兰拳练习对中老年人平衡调节的影响
- Influences of backward run and walk on cardio-pulmonary function and coronary heart disease of middle and old aged people 后退跑与走对中老年人心肺机能及冠心病的影响
- Health services should be enhanced in the periods of adolescence,pregnancy,maternity,menopause and old age so that people's living standard and their quality of life are improved. 加强青春期、孕产期、更年期、老年期健康服务,提高人们的生活水平和质量。
- Since big families are often seen as safety nets for illness and old age, improving poor people's access to insurance, pensions and welfare institutions also has a major impact. 由于大家庭经常被认为是年老生病的安全网,让穷人近一步获得保险、退休金和福利机构的帮助也会在控制人口生育上起重大作用。
- Like a man, a political party has its childhood, youth, manhood and old age. 像一个人一样,有他的幼年、青年、壮年和老年。
- Old age and infirmity have begin to catch up with him. 他开始显出年老体衰的样子了。
- Old pine trees grow evergreen, and old age enjoys a long happy life. 苍松常青,人寿年丰。