- Its comprehensive coverage focuses on microwave sintering of ceramics. 它的广泛报导集中在陶瓷微波烧结。
- The special results of BaTO3 ceramics(BTO) are presented by microwave sintering. 本文报道了微波烧结BaTiO_3陶瓷的初步研究结果。
- To overcome this problem, microwave sintering posse sses is attempted in the present process. 微波烧结具有升温速率快、反应时间短和体加热等显著特点,能解决传统烧结带来的问题。
- The feasitility of microwave sintering is described with the characteristics of green P/M parts. 结合金属粉末压坯的特点,阐述了微波烧结金属粉末压坯的可行性。
- At present there was no report about microwave sintering of porous biphasic ceramics and carbonate contained CaP ceramics. 微波烧结比常规马弗炉烧结双相陶瓷的钙离子浓度高,是因为微波烧结的双相钙磷陶瓷的晶粒细,结晶度低,有利于溶解造成的,这有利于提高生物学活性。
- Microwave sintering of ceramics has the characteristics of quick densification, fine grains and homogeneous microsructure. 微波烧结工艺具有烧结快速、产品致密、晶粒细小以及微观结构均匀等特点。
- The experimental results show that the improved microwave sintering technique can control the volatilization of PbO to improve the remove of the pore,so can gained the fine uniform crystal and high dense PLZT ferroelectrics ceramics. 结果表明,通过对微波烧结工艺的改进能够有效控制烧结过程中PbO的挥发,促使样品中气孔的充分排出,从而有利于获得晶粒细小均匀并具有较高致密度的PLZT铁电陶瓷。
- The results show that compared with the conventional sintering, microwave sintering samples have higher sintering density, higher tensile strength, greater elongation and equal Rockwell hardness. 研究结果表明:与常规烧结相比,微波烧结可得到较高的烧结密度以及较高的抗拉强度和伸长率,两者的洛氏硬度相当;
- Study of Microwave Sintering of foam ceramics 微波烧结泡沫陶瓷的初步研究
- Keywords oxide ceramica;microwave sintering; 氧化物陶瓷;微波烧结;
- Variable kinds of oxide ceramics, in-cluding Y-TZP,zirconia toughened alumina(ZTA) and Al2O3,were microwave sintered in a home-designedmicrowave applicator. 重点讨论了烧结温度、保温时间对烧结密度的影响。
- Study of Microwave Sintering of All-ceramic Dental Material 牙科全瓷材料的微波烧结研究
- Pollution of Ceramic Kiln and Microwave Sintering Technology 陶瓷窑炉的污染与微波辅助燃烧技术及设备
- Microwave Sintering of Sulfo-Aluminate Cement Clinker 微波强化硫铝酸盐水泥熟料烧成研究
- Keywords microwave sintering;copper powder;arcing effect; 微波烧结;铜粉;弧光效应;
- We cooked the fish in the microwave oven. 我们在微波炉中煮鱼。
- Application Prospect of Microwave Sintering in diamond Tool Manufacturing 微波烧结技术及其在金刚石制品中的应用前景
- Microwave Sintering of Ca_4Al_6SO_(16) ,Ca_3SrAl_6SO_(16) ,Ca_3BaAl_6SO_(16) 硫铝酸盐矿物的电热-微波二次快速烧成
- Keywords microwave sintering;nanometer cermet;technological process; 微波烧结;纳米金属陶瓷;工艺;
- The pie is not very hot. Can you microwave it a bit more? 这个饼不是很热的,你再用微波炉加热一会好吗?