- microscopical cell image 显微细胞图像
- A Microscopic Cell Image Recognize Method Based on Band Selection 一种基于多光谱波段选择的白细胞图像分类法
- Study of Color Texture Analysis on Microscopic Cell Images 细胞图像的彩色纹理分析方法研究
- By analyzing the normalized textural features, different kinds of c ells in cell image can be classified and described. 通过分析这些归一化纹理特征值 ,可以对细胞图像中各种细胞成分进行分类描述
- A hybrid strategy based on watershed transformation is proposed and applied to bone marrow cell image segmentation. 提出了一种混合的分水岭变换策略并应用于骨髓细胞图像分割中。
- This paper studies the method of using popular PC machine of the domestic product to analyze and process the castoff cell image automatically. 本文研究了在一般PC机上采用国产设备进行脱落细胞图像自动分析及处理。
- After segmentation the sub-regions of the cell image are separated and uncrossed each other, possessing the certain properties. 图像分割是将图像中具有特殊含义的不同区域区分开来,是图像处理的关键步骤。
- Cell image analysis and MTT are both ideal methods in measuring cytotoxicity of dental materials.The two methods can be used widely. 结论:上述两种方法所得结果相同,均是用于牙科材料细胞毒性检测较理想的方法,值得推广应用。
- The overlapping phenomenon often appears in such granule images as cell image,labuan material image etc. 近年来,计算机图象处理在商业、工业、医学方面得到了广泛应用。
- In the later experiment according to the problem of karyon segmentation, a photon propagation model is established, and segmentation works have been done on both artifact and real cell image. 在随后的实验中,结合细胞核提取这一问题建立了一个简单的光学传输模型,并依据此模型分别对人造图和实际图进行了分割。
- Segmentation of cell image is an important researching area in medical image processing.The diversities and complexity of cell image make it hard to reach the segmenting goal with a single method. 细胞图像分割是医学图像处理中的一个重要内容,细胞图像的多样性和复杂性使图像的分割难以用单一的方法来实现。
- Computer and CCD camera were applied to take the picture of blood cells from blood smear and the cell image was treated using the algorithm of cell labeling recursion. 应用计算机和ccd相机采集血涂片细胞图像,细胞标记递归算法进行细胞图像处理并计数白细胞。
- By adopting erosion and dilation algorithm, this paper provides a good algorithm for marrow cells image segmentation. 利用腐蚀与膨胀等算法,提出了一种适合于骨髓细胞图像分割的算法。
- The experimental results show that this approach for segmenting cell images is facile. 结果表明这种方法易于实现对组织细胞图像的分割。
- Cancer cell imaging can be clearly identified with the AgNOR molecular signature. 在癌症细胞观测与鑑别度之实验,本年度亦有超前进度之成果。
- The thousands of microscopic cells on the ASR are each connected to an electrode that converts incoming light images into impulses. 人造硅视网膜上数以千计的显微单元每个都与能把送入的光图像转换成脉冲的电极相连。
- The stunning metallic green sheen of the "jewelled beetle" is produced by microscopic cells in its exoskeleton. “宝石甲虫”发出漂亮金属绿光是因为它外骨骼的微观细胞。
- Before life began walking, slithering or putting down roots, nothing much more than solitary microscopic cells populated the globe. 早在生命开始能够走动、爬行或是扎根之前,地球上到处散布的是只有用显微镜才看得见的细胞。
- In this paper an automated cell nucleus segmentation method is proposed based on a novel fuzzy growing snake model for color cell images from esophageal smears. 摘要针对细胞核之间经常出现重叠聚堆的现象,提出了一种新的基于模糊膨胀模型的细胞核轮廓提取方法。
- A storage cell in some amorphous memory devices. 某些非晶体存储器中的一个存储单元。