- Eight microsatellite loci were associated to beef performance traits of Jinnan, Qinchuan,Charolais,Limousin. 分析了8个微卫星的不同标记基因型与晋南牛、秦川牛、夏洛来牛、利木赞牛的生产性状的关系。
- Isolation and characterization of microsatellite loci from the mulberry, Morus L. 桑树微卫星的分离与鉴定。
- Method 62 microsatellite DNA loci were expanded with PCR.Result Eight microsatellite loci were filtrated. 方法选取了62个大、小鼠的微卫星位点对长爪沙鼠基因组DNA进行PCR扩增筛选。
- Through PCR amplification, gene scanning and genotyping at 10 microsatellite loci, 2-15 alleles can be detected at different loci among Ee, Eb and Ea. 本研究的10个微卫星位点在Ea、Ee、Eb中的平均PIC分别为0.;57、0
- The genetic diversity of Sichuan white goose,Huoyan goose,Rhin goose,Landoise goose and Yangzhou goose was analyzed with microsatellite loci. 选用10个微卫星引物对四川白鹅、豁眼鹅、莱茵鹅、朗德鹅、扬州鹅5个鹅品种进行遗传多样性分析。
- Rates of homozygote for 35 microsatellite loci in three miniature pig breeds were calculated,and t-test for them were performed. 计算出三个小型猪品系个体样本在35个微卫星基因座的纯合率,并对其进行t检验。
- The average polymorphism information content and heterozygosity of 10 microsatellite loci were 0.5533 and 0.6168, respectively. 群体平均多态信息含量为0.;5533,平均杂合度为0
- The genetic variations and polymorphisms of six microsatellite loci were analyzed to determine the population structure and breeding progress of BMY and Brahman cattle. 对6个牛微卫星座位的遗传变异及多态性分析,以期了解BMY牛和婆罗门牛的群体遗传结构与育成情况。
- Future work should include: 1) isolating a large number of cervine microsatellite loci, 2) constructing genetic and physical maps of microsatellite loci. 将来要在以下方面开展工作:1)分离更多的鹿类特异的微卫星位点,2)构建微卫星位点的遗传和物理图谱。
- To acquire the specific microsatellite loci of Chinese alligator, it is feasible to clone, sequence and design primers by the classical method of molecular biology. 研究同时表明利用经典分子生物学方法克隆、测序、设计引物,是目前获得扬子鳄特异性微卫星位点较为可行的方案。
- The construction of pedigree was perfected by looking at microsatellite loci from paternity tests which are essential to the deeper analysis of gynogenetic Japanese flounder. 利用微卫星标记可确定雌核发育后代的亲子关系,从而构建牙鲆雌核发育家系系谱,对牙鲆雌核发育的深入研究具有重要意义。
- It was indicated that average heterozygosity, polymorphism information content and effective number of alleles were 0.1767, 0.1457 and 1.2837 on nine structural loci, and were 0.8867, 0.8774 and 11.2907 on 7 microsatellite loci. 结果表明,9个结构基因座上的平均杂合度、多态信息含量及有效等位基因数分别为0.;1767、0
- Results showed that the number of alleles for the 10 microsatellite loci, heterozygosity and PIC (polymorphism information content) in the Dorset population were 8?16, 0.8370?0.9252, and 0.8221?0.9167, respectively. Dorset群体中;等位基因个数为8~16个;杂合度为0.;8370~0
- Results showed that the number of alleles were 10,12,7,11 and polymorphic information content / Heterozygosity were 0.7778/0.8045,0.712/0.7520,0.7551/0.7852,0.8057/0.8289.We can see these microsatellite loci have rich polymorphism in three groups. 结果表明;这4个微卫星标记在3个绵羊品种中的等位基因数分别为:10、12、7、11;其多态信息含量/杂合度分别为:0.;7778/0
- The genetic variation (polymorphic information content (PIC), heterozygosity, effectivenumber of alleles and gene frequency) of 6 microsatellite loci (BM4505, BM1905, BM1443, BM415, BM143 and BM711) was analyzed in 200 Beijing Holsteins cow populations. 本研究分析了6个微卫星座位BM4505、BM1905、BM1443、BM415、BM143和BM711在200头北京荷斯坦奶牛群体中的遗传变异(PIC、遗传杂合度、有效等位基因数和基因频率)。
- Methods PCR. amplification of 4 microsatellite loci at chromsome lip in 30 leukemias, (including 18 acute leukemia, 12 chronic leukemia). To analyze the production for LOH and br MSI by electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gels, argentine dye. 方法选取不同类型的白血病病例共30例,其中急性白血病(acuteleukemia,AL)18例,慢性白血病(chronic leukemia,CL)12例,在11号染色体短臂上选择4个微卫星位点进行PCR扩增,通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、银染,观察微卫星不稳定性(MSI)和杂和性缺失(LOH)的发生情况。
- Methods:Microsatellite analysis was performed on 18 HNPCC patients who met Amsterdam criteria and 16 suspected HNPCC patients. Six microsatellite loci including BAT26,D2S123,BAX,IGFIIR,hMSH3 and hMSH6 were used. 方法:选择符合Am sterdam标准的HNPCC组大肠癌标本18例,和不符合Am sterdam标准、但高度怀疑为HNPCC的可疑HNPCC组大肠癌标本16例,检测BAT26、D2S123、BAX、IGFIIR、hMSH3和hMSH6 6个微卫星位点的微卫星不稳在两组中的发生率,比较两组微卫星不稳频率的差异。
- Ninety two blood samples of Chinese Shar-pei (CSP) dog, including 21 bone-mouth type, 29 bone-meat-mouth type and 42 meat-mouth type, were analysed by using 20 microsatellite loci. 摘要运用20对微卫星引物对来自中国广东省的92份沙皮犬血液样品(骨嘴型沙皮犬21只,骨肉嘴型沙皮犬29只,肉嘴型沙皮犬42只)进行了遗传背景的检测。
- isolation of microsatellite loci 位点开发