- microcapsule electrophoresis 微胶囊电泳
- Test the probes with electrophoresis after reclaim. 探针回收后用电泳检测。
- The Preparation and Performance of Gelatin-Gum Arabic Microcapsule for Microcapsule Electrophoretic Image Display 电子墨水微胶囊的制备及性能研究
- Methods Pulse field gel electrophoresis. 方法脉冲场电泳。
- It become a society electrophoresis. 这成为社会普遍的现象了。
- The feasibility of preparing microcapsule with dried yeast(S. 探讨以干酵母细胞作为囊壁材料制备微胶囊的可行性。
- Electrophoresis painting equipment for producing pure water. 电泳漆纯净水制造设备阴极电泳漆设备。
- It can eliminate electrophoresis of furrow like orange skin. 消除橘皮现象。
- The supernatant was examined by SDS-PAGE protein electrophoresis . 取上清进行SDS-PAGE蛋白质电泳。
- Methods: Agarose-starch mixed gel electrophoresis was used. 方法:利用淀粉-琼脂糖混合凝胶交叉电泳的方法。
- Methods: Using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis ( PAGE). 方法:垂直板电泳法。
- DNA ladder formation was checked with genomic DNA agarose electrophoresis. 琼脂糖凝胶电泳观察细胞内片段化DNA的形成;
- The content and the thickness of the microcapsule wall were obtained by using DSC analysis. 摘要采用差示扫描量热(DSC)法对微胶囊的壁材厚度和含量进行计算。
- Agarose Gel Electrophoresis Staining WithNBT for AST Isoenzvme Measurement. AST同工酶的琼脂糖凝胶电泳NBT显色法
- Bright electrophoresis strip appeared at R2-R4(GTT mutation) matched-pairs. 在R2-R4(GTT突变)配对上出现明亮电泳条带,分子量约为88bp,扩增片段分子量大小与设计相符合,表明人胰腺癌细胞株Patu8988存在K-ras基因第12密码子点突变,且突变形式为GTT。
- Granulosa cell apoptosis was detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. 用琼脂糖凝胶电泳检测两类卵的颗粒细胞凋亡。
- Each microcapsule is about 40 microns in size (that's a little less than half the thickness of a human hair). 每个显微小囊大小约为40微米(不到人发粗细的一半)。
- Isozyme frequencies of PGI, SKDH, and 6PGD were observed from electrophoresis. 另以电泳技术测得PGI、SKD及6PGD等同功酶之频率。
- Method:The DNA gradent bands were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis. 方法:用琼脂糖凝胶电泳法观察DNA的梯状条带。
- The study examine the drug release mechanism of famotidine chitosan microcapsule. 初步研究了法莫替丁-甲壳胺微囊的释药机理。