- Recovery of magnetic ball from fly ash for phosphorus waste water treatment 回收粉煤灰中磁珠处理含磷废水
- The was used as aluminum sulfate prepared from fly ash contains lots of iron.The product was disqualification. 以粉煤灰为原料制备的硫酸铝中含有大量的铁,产品质量达不到标准。
- Howevee,some harmful substance volatilized from fly ash in melting process,which caused second contamination. 熔融固化处理是安全的处理方法,但飞灰熔融过程中有有害物质挥发,造成二次污染。
- A new method for preparing high efficient coagulant of polysilicate aluminum ferrite (PSAF) from fly ash and pyrite slag was studied. 研究了以粉煤灰和硫铁矿烧渣为原料制备高效混凝剂聚硅酸铁铝(PSAF)的方法,确定了合理的生产工艺和操作条件。
- In this peper,extracting iron and carbon from fly ash were discussed in detail and the ways of future making use of fly ash were given. 本文就从粉煤灰中提取铁和碳作了系统的研究,提出了进一步利用粉煤灰的途径。
- In this paper, low-clinker cement is mainly developed from fly ash and coal gangue, in order to build tow new gel system, and admix concrete with various good performances. 本文分别以粉煤灰、煤矸石为主要原料研制少熟料水泥,从而提出两种新的胶凝体系,以此配制出了性能优良的少热料水泥混凝土。
- The mechanism of phosphate removal from simulative wastewater by synthesized zeolite from fly ash is put forward in this paper. 利用粉煤灰合成沸石,考察了其对模拟废水中磷酸盐的去除效果,并着重研究了其除磷机理。
- Applications 1. Separation of unburned carbon from fly ash from power plants. 2. Removal of impurities from metallic and non-metallic fines material to become purified. 1.;火电厂粉煤灰中未燃尽碳的脱除2
- Also the economic and social benefits of producing silicon fertilizer from fly ash and iron slag were discussed, which could offer a new way for the comprehensive utilization of cinder and iron slag. 最后评估了利用粉煤灰、炼铁炉渣开发硅肥的经济效益和社会效益,这将为粉煤灰、高炉渣综合利用开辟提供有价值的参考。
- Prakash, S.;Mohanty, J.K.;Das, B.;Venugopal, R.,“Characterisation and Removal of Iron from Fly Ash of Talcher Area, Orissa, India”, Minerals Engineering Vol: 14, Issue: 1, January, 2001, pp. 123-126. 王雍行,“磁力式分离系统设计与分析”国立清华大学动力机械工程学系硕士论文,2004。
- Sun Jiong sets the ball from position 3 to Li Fen. 孙炯从3号位将球传给了李芬。
- Synthesis of Porous Glass Micronbeads from Fly Ash 粉煤灰基多孔玻璃微珠研制
- I took a ball from under the table. 我从桌底拿出一个球。
- He saves the ball from the audience. 他从观众席中把球救了起来。
- Synthesis of porous glass beads from fly ash 粉煤灰制多孔玻璃微珠
- I keep the ball from rolling back down the slopes. 我不让球滚回坡下。
- Study on Making Flocculant from Fly Ash 粉煤灰制取絮凝剂的研究
- Look! We just stole the ball from the other team. 看,我们刚好把球从对方球队抢过来。
- A skilful ball from Snow put out the opposing team's prize hope in the first five minutes. 斯诺队的一个巧妙的球使对方队在前五分钟就失去了夺魁的希望。
- The player who throws the ball from the mound to the batter. 投手在棒球投球土墩处向击球手投球的人。