- micro abrasive water jet 微磨料水射流
- Abrasive Water Jet is one of the advanced green machining tools. 摘要磨料水射流是一种先进的绿色加工工具。
- Experimentation shows that the abrasive water jet test worktable can polish,deburr,wash,shell and incise through changing technics parameter. 试验表明,通过调整工艺参数,本磨料水射流试验工作台可对材料进行表面抛光、去毛刺、清洗、剥层、切割等加工和实验。
- Abrasive water jet cutting is widely accepted by the machine shop over the world and its advantages are well known. 磨料水射流(AWJ)切割工艺已经被遍及世界的许多车间所采用,其优点广为人知。
- Based on the artificial neural network (ANN), an ANN model for the abrasive water jet cutting process was proposed. 本文基于人工神经网络理论,建立了水射流加工过程的神经网络模型。
- The physical model and mathematical model of casing-cutting using premixing abrasive water jet are presented. 基于能量原理,建立了前混式磨料水射流切割套管的物理模型和数学模型。
- Current research and developments of the abrasive water jet process control were reviewed. 综述了磨料水射流工艺控制过程的最新研究与进展;
- The physical model and mathematical model of casing cutting using premixing abrasive water jet are presented. 基于能量原理,建立了前混式磨料水射流切割套管的物理模型和数学模型。
- Abrasive water jet; multiphase flow; numerical simulation; non-submerged jet; submerged jet. 本软件是会员软件,如果你是会员,请登陆。如果不是会员请注册。
- On-site abrasive water jet tools for operating pressures up to 3000 bar for cutting and demolition of steel and reinforced concrete structures. 适用于建筑工地的磨料水喷射工具用来切割和分解钢结构与钢筋混凝土结构,最高工作压力可达3000 bar。
- In order to obtain high surface quality of the product, the parameters of abrasive water jet machining process must be precisely controlled. 为了获得较高的表面精度,必须精确控制水射流加工的各种工艺参数。
- The results of this research give a theoretical basis for the application of premixing abrasive water jet technology in underwell rasing-cutting. 该研究结果为将前混式磨料水射流技术应用于井下套管切割提供了理论根据。
- The composing and principle of an abrasive water jet test worktable were introduced.Damage mechanism of abrasive water jet was analyzed. 介绍了磨料水射流试验工作台的系统组成及其工作原理,通过分析磨料水射流加工的工作机理给出了喷射系统的结构及部分参数。
- Abstract: The physical model and mathematical model of casing-cutting using premixing abrasive water jet are presented. 摘 要: 基于能量原理,建立了前混式磨料水射流切割套管的物理模型和数学模型。
- The results of this research give a theoretical basis for the application of premixing abrasive water jet technology in underwel... 该研究结果为将前混式磨料水射流技术应用于井下套管切割提供了理论根据。
- In this paper, we used 20 high-quality carburet structure steed, recommended the experiment on abrasive water jet metal-cutting and others affecting metallurgic structure. 本文以20%23优质碳素结构钢为试件,介绍了磨料水射流切割与其它方法切割对金相组织影响的试验。
- A new model of abrasive water jet cutting is developed.The new model is related with the kerf depth, and it can be used to evaluate the geometry of the kerf. 建立了一个新的磨料水射流切割方程,该切割方程与切割深度有关,即建立一个关于切割深度的函数关系式,该切割方程能用来预测射流所形成切槽的形状和尺寸。
- A practical technique is to establish the non-linear relationship among the main parameters of the abrasive water jet cutting process, thus the surface quality of the part can be indirectly controlled by adjusting the cutting speed. 一种可行的办法是建立水射流加工过程中的主要参数之间的非线性关系,通过加工速度的补偿来间接控制工件表面质量。
- Based on study and application,the conventional and special methods of the machining of FRP such as laser cutting,water jet cutting,and abrasive water jet cutting are introduced briefly in this paper. 本文在实际研究和应用的基础上,对玻璃钢的传统加工方法和特种加工方法,如激光切割、纯水射流切割和磨料水射流切割作了简要论述。
- The composing and principle of an abrasive water jet test worktable were introduced.Damage mechanism of abrasive water jet was analyzed.Structure and part parameters of spray system were given out. 介绍了磨料水射流试验工作台的系统组成及其工作原理,通过分析磨料水射流加工的工作机理给出了喷射系统的结构及部分参数。