- The detective department of the metropolitan police force of London. 伦敦都市警察机关的侦缉处。
- The Head of the Metropolitan Police in London, Ian Blair, is resigning. 伦敦警视厅厅长,伊恩布莱尔,正式辞职了。
- The Home Secretary said that the Metropolitan Police had not been at full strength for ten years. 内务大臣说,大城市的警察10年来从没有满额。
- Ian Blair, London's Metropolitan Police commissioner, said the event was going "very well". 大伦敦警察局局长伊恩·布莱尔说诺丁山狂欢节进行得非常顺利。
- Metropolitan Police Service , subject Access Office/sc 4(3) Rm 1229, New Scotland Yard, Broadway, London SWIHOBG UK. 如果申请人居住在伦敦以外的地方,就必须和所在地方的警察局总部联系。
- An ordinance makes bringing a concealable fire arm into the county illegal unless it is registered with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. 法令规定,将可隐藏的枪枝携入本郡是违法的,除非你向拉斯维加斯市警局办理枪枝登记。
- Jeff, a former Detective Chief Superintendent with the Metropolitan Police, heads the investigation team. 主管调查组的列斯,是伦敦都会警队的前任侦缉总警司。
- He serves as an undercover narcotic detective in the Metropolitan Police Department. 他在大都会警局做麻醉药物秘密侦探。
- He has also appealed to the Metropolitan Police for a Mandarin-speaking officer to be seconded to the case. 他们说现场有电脑跟几部手机被警方带走进行分析,又没说现场没有丢东西!这两件事情扯不上关系。
- The operation, called Operation Icefall, was led by officers from the Metropolitan police's clubs and vice unit. 这个名为雪球行动的清理行动,由首都警察俱乐部及其附属单位发动。
- Metropolitan Police Department Lt. Patrick Burke said fines need to be higher to discourage cyclists from breaking traffic laws. 市警察局的帕特里克 - 伯克上尉说,罚款的金额应该更高些,使得骑车人不敢再违反交通法规。
- The Metropolitan Police suspended the officer after the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) called for the penalty. 大警察局在独立警察投诉委员会要求给予处罚之后对该警员停职。
- That is the aspiration, to get in and clog up these City institutions as best they can,” Commander Bob Broadhurst, of the Metropolitan Police, said. 他们渴望涌进城市里的机构里,尽最大可能堵塞在那里。”
- It was soon apparent that the gang's Mauser automatic pistols were more than a match for the shot guns of the metropolitan police. 很快就看出,匪徒的毛瑟自动手枪优于首都警察的短枪。
- The Quest team led by Stevens, the former Metropolitan Police commissioner, trawled through 362 transfer deals made over a 15-month period. 调查组是由前大伦敦地区警务专员斯蒂文斯领导的,他在过去15个月里调查了362宗转会交易。
- They were quickly pushed back and cuffed by Metropolitan Police, which said its officers made 36 arrests on a variety of charges. 很快将他们推回撤离,由首都警察,其中表示,其人员36人被捕对各种收费。
- Figures released by the Metropolitan Police last month showed that the number of fatal stabbings rose last year as the number of deadly shootings fell. 由伦敦警察厅公布的数据上个月表明致命的刺伤的数量去年上升随着致命枪杀的数量下降.
- Royal employees will be subject to stricter security checks similar to those faced by Metropolitan Police officers, it was disclosed yesterday. 为防止恐怖分子袭击,英国王室雇员将接受来自伦敦警察厅的严格身份检查。
- Deputy Assistant Commissioner Peter Clarke, of the Metropolitan Police, said yesterday that officers had uncovered bomb-making chemicals and electrical components. 首都副警长助理彼得。克拉克于昨日发言指出:警官们发现了用于制造炸弹的化学药品和电器元件。
- Meanwhile liaison was established with the Extradition Unit of the Metropolitan Police in London to trace Launder who had business interests in London, Spain and Germany. 同时,又与伦敦首都警队的引渡组联络,追寻在伦敦、西班牙及德国均有生意的袁朗达的踪迹。