- methoxy DDT 甲氧氯
- The house is regularly spraying with DDT. 房屋是定期用DDT喷洒。
- Congress then banned the use of DDT in1972. 国会因而在1972年立法禁止使用滴滴涕。
- Any of various hydrocarbon pesticides, such as DDT, that contain chlorine. 有机氯一种含氯的碳氢化合物杀虫农药,如滴滴涕杀虫剂
- In 1873, the chemical DDT was first synthesized. 1873年,化学物质滴滴涕(DDT)首次合成。
- These insects have become resistant to DDT. 这些昆虫对ddt已有抵抗力。
- Many insects have became resistant to DDT. 很多昆虫对DDT都有了抵抗力。
- The government vetoed the use of DDT. 政府禁止了DDT的使用。
- The insects can be exterminated by spraying DDT. 兔群不可能彻底消灭。
- Methoxy 1 groups are split off with boiling HI and converted to ?? 甲氧基用沸腾的碘氢酸分解,使甲氧基脱落并转为甲基碘。
- DDT molecules in water tend to migrate to the surface. 在水中滴滴涕分子趋向于向水面移动。
- DDT sprayed into the air kills mosquitoes and other insect pests. 喷射到空气中的DDT能杀死蚊子和其他有害昆虫。
- Then came the golden days of DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane). 然后就是DDT的黄金年代。
- An equatorial methoxy group was completely inert to the Grignard reagent. 位于平伏键的甲氧基,则没有这种可能,因而不发生反应。
- The LODs of 666 and DDT are 20.2ng/L and 121ng/L separately. 检出限(LOD)六六六为20.;2ng/L,滴滴涕为121ng/L。
- He pulled a quick one on me and DDT’d the referee behind my back. 他拉了在我和 DDT'd 上的一个快的在我背部后面的仲裁人。
- The pathway of DDT degradation in soil has not been fully ascertained. 在土壤中滴滴涕降解的途径还没有充分调查。
- Many microorganisms possess the ability to dehydrohalogenate DDT to DDE. 许多微生物使滴滴涕脱卤化氢变为滴滴依。
- These insecticides include DDT a compound banned in the United States in 1972. 这些杀虫剂中包括DDT,一种自1972年起在美国被禁止使用的杀虫剂。
- R" is a replaceable function, e. g. acetoxy, methoxy, their acyloxy and alkoxy homologs or halo. R”是取化基,如乙氧基、甲氧基及它们的环氧和烷氧同系物或卤基。