- meteoric water theory 雨水说
- The main ore fluid was magma water mixed with meteoric water. 成矿流体是以岩浆水为主,混有古大气水的混合流体。
- Water of hydrothermal fluid was derived from meteoric water. 介质水属于下渗大气降水。
- Ore-forming fluid rooted in the deep crust mixed with meteoric water. 成矿流体来源于地壳深部和后期大气降水的加入。
- If meteoric water does not evaporate or run overland, it may seep directly into the ground. 如果雨水不从陆地蒸发和流走的话,就可能直接渗入地下。
- The ore fluid is the mixture of granitic water (MCW) and phanerozoic meteoric water or the precambrian mixed water by metamorphism-migmatization. 成矿流体为金铜系列花岗岩岩浆水与显生宙大气降水的混合流体;或为与变质-混合岩化作用有关的早前寒武纪混合水.
- Meteoric water, artificial exploitation and percolation for irrigation canals are the main influence factor of dynamic variation of groundwater. 地下水位频繁的升降一是改变了上覆土体的状态和强度,促进土体崩落;
- Meteoric water leaked and dissolved the lower Paleozoic carbonate rock along faults in Paleogene because of differential upwarding of fault-block. 古近纪断块发生差异升降,大气淡水可以沿断裂渗流到下古生界碳酸盐岩中产生溶蚀作用;
- Due to meteoric water on ground surface, the fluid of outcrop sandstones nowadays show acidity, but, the fluid of core sandstones nowadays is alkality. 露头砂岩由于受地表大气水(酸性水)的影响,现今流体呈酸性,而岩芯砂岩现今流体为碱性流体。
- The results indicated that calcites were precipitated during fluid degassing after water-rock interaction between meteoric water and the wall rocks. 研究表明该矿床的方解石是经大气降水与围岩发生水岩反应后的流体去气沉淀的;
- Caliche crusts are secondary products formed by the dissolution of meteoric water on former lithified sediments and rocks during their exposure into subaerial vadose environments. 钙结壳是土壤层之下的岩石在出露地表渗流带环境内受大气雨水的溶解,并通过上覆土壤层的淋滤而成的产物。
- The Q3al, Q4eol and basement groundwater flow subsystems receive the influent seepage recharge from the meteoric water, and then discharge at the eastern edge of Q3al. Q3al、Q4eol及基岩潜水流动子系统都接受大气降水入渗补给;最终通过Q3al的东侧边界排入黄河.
- The analysis of H,O,C and Sr isotopes shows that this deposit is a lowtomoderate temperature volcanogene hydrothermal gold deposit in which meteoric water participates. 通过硫、铅、氢、氧、碳、锶等同位素及稀土元素的研究可以看出,该矿床是一个中、低温有大气水参与的火山热液型金矿床。
- Fluid immiscibility, continuous influxing of meteoric water and water-rock exchange are very important factors that caused gold and stibnite to deposit. 流体不混溶、大气降水的不断加入以及水-岩交换作用是导致本区成矿流体中金、锑淀积成矿的主要因素。
- Regional deep-fault is the main pathway for meteoric water and geothermal fluids,subsidiary fracture is ore depositing structures,and fault tectonite are the main host rocks. 区域性深大断裂是沟通天水和地热流体的主要通道,次级断裂是矿体的储矿构造,脆性粗碎屑岩和火山碎屑岩(沉积火山岩)构成的断裂构造岩是主要的容矿岩石。
- Oxygen and hydrogen isotopic compositions of fluid inclusions within quartz from the gold veins suggest that the ore-forming fluid came from meteoric water. 矿体石英中的流体包裹体氢、氧同位素组成特征,显示成矿热液来源于大气降水。
- The study of hydrogen and oxygen isotopic shows that the ore-forming fluid of Tuwaishan gold deposit were mainly derived from magmatic water mixed with meteoric water. 氢氧同位素测试表明成矿流体主要是岩浆水、大气降水的混合。
- The characteristics of stable isotope indicatedthat the ore-forming material was leached from the wall rocks ;and the ore-forming fluid wasmainly supplied by meteoric water. 稳定同位素特征揭示了矿质来说从围岩中淋取;成矿溶液主要来源于大气降水。
- Its geochemical feature indicates that ore forming elements mainly comes from stratum and rock of pre Devonian period and ore forming solution is complex fluid of syngenetic water, metamorphic water and meteoric water. 矿床的地质地球化学特征表明,成矿物质主要来自前泥盆纪基底的地层和岩石,成矿溶液主要为盆地同生水与变质水及大气降水的混合流体。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。