- To Unite Astronomy Clubs and people in The Huadong area of China, for Radio Meteor Scatter Observation. Register to enter, needs moderation. 联合华东地区的天文协会及爱好者进行流星的无线电观测,需要注册才可以察看具体内容。
- Depending on the size of the meteor and the length of the trail it leaves, meteor scatter propagation can last from a second or two (called "pings") to over two minutes. 根据飞星的大小和足迹的长度它离开,飞星消散传播可能持续从一秒钟或二(叫"砰")对二分钟。
- Small villages scatter at the foot of the mountain. 村庄零零落落地散布在山脚下。
- The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower. 流星群的辐射点明显的流星雨太空光源
- A meteor suddenly shot across the sky. 一颗流星急速掠过天空。
- When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. 树倒猢狲散。
- meteoric scatter 流星散射
- meteor scatter communicatio 流星散射通信
- A meteor that is as bright or brighter than the brightest planets. 火流星与最亮的行星一样亮或比其更亮的陨星
- A scatter of applause reached him when he ended his speech. 演讲结束时他听到稀稀拉拉的掌声。
- meteor scatter communication 流行散射通信
- With a flash, the meteor shot across the night sky. 流星像一道闪光,划破黑夜的长空。
- meteor scatter 流星散射
- I used to scatter in the cinema last year. 我去年很少看电影。
- The stars scatter when the moon is clear. 月明星稀。
- The meteor arched across the sky. 流星呈弧形在空中划过。
- The white clouds mass and scatter. 白云舒卷。
- It was made by a meteor that fell from space. 它是由流星从太空中坠落造成的。
- Don't scatter your money around. 别到处挥霍.
- Many wonderful things are just meteoric . 很多美好的事物只是昙花一现。