- The structure and aluminum &chromium distribution in the welds of pack Al-diffusion steels are analyzed by metallographic microscopy . 采用金相显微镜、扫描电镜和光电子能谱等分析技术,分析了粉末包埋渗铝钢焊缝的区域组织和铝、铬浓度分布。
- The surface longitudinal crack of hot-roll Q345B medium plate was studied by means of metallographic microscopy,scanning electron microscopy and energy spectrum analysis. 采用金相检验和扫描电镜及能谱分析等手段对热轧Q345B中厚板表面纵裂纹进行了分析。
- The microstructure of hot-dip aluminum coat of deformed low-carbon steel containing RE has been analyzed by metallography microscopy and XRD,and the forming mechanism has also been discussed. 用金相显微镜及X射线衍射仪对形变含稀土低碳钢热浸镀铝的镀层微观组织进行了分析,并探讨了其形成机制。
- metallographic microscopy 金相显微学
- Improve the process of metallographic test . 完成必要的分析检验。
- A panoptic stain used in microscopy. 显微镜下展示全景的污点。
- The phase and microstructure of composites were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), optical metallographic (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). 借助XRD、OM及SEM等手段,考察了Nb2O5对Al2O3/TiAl复合材料的相分布及组织结构的影响。
- Methods: Scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used. 方法:采用扫描和透射电子镜观察兔眼睫状体。
- Apoptosis cells were observed by transmission electron microscopy. 透射电镜观察到凋亡细胞。
- These and other questions may be solved only by microscopy. 这些问题及其它问题,只有通过显微镜研究才能获得解决。
- Welcome to Center for Electron Microscopy, Wuhan University! 欢迎访问武汉大学电子显微镜中心!
- Techniques in Electron Microscopy and Ultrastruture of the cell. 电子显微镜技术和细胞超微结构。
- Observation: Apoptosis was usually proved by elec tron microscopy. 细胞凋亡与细胞坏死在形态学方面有着显著的差别 ,通常电镜观察结果是证明细胞凋亡的最可靠的证据。
- Borax carmine A dye used to stain nuclei for light microscopy. 硼砂洋红:一种用来在光学显微镜下染细胞核的染料。
- No abnormity was found in the metallographi cal analysis and hardness test. 金相和硬度分析未发现明显异常组织和硬度分布。
- Microscopy showed that the cells grew well and could be passaged. 电镜下生长状态良好、可传代培养。
- Review of Laser Multiphoton microscopy in Biology[J]. 引用该论文 张逸新;陶纯堪.
- The particle of AGM was observed under light microscopy. (2)在光学显微镜下观察AGM形成的颗粒;
- Spatial resolution of surface plasmon interference microscopy[J]. 引用该论文 吕强;汪国平.
- WHO/TDR/Andy Crump;Dennis Kunkel Microscopy;Banana Stock. 图片来源(从左上顺时针方向):Photodisc;