- Please put all metal objects into the plastic bag. 请把所有的金属物品放进这个塑料袋里。
- Do not attempt to shred the metal objects. 严禁碎铁的物体、碎钉书钉。
- Do you still have any metal objects with you? 你还有别的随身携带的金属物品吗?
- Magnetometer Device used to detect metal objects. 检测金属物品的设备。
- B,There came the jingle-jangle of metallic objects in the cart. 车上传来金属品的丁丁当当声。
- Do not carry the dry batteries with coins or other metallic objects. 请勿将干电池与硬币或其他金属物品混在一起携带。
- Please put in the tray all the metal objects on you. 请把您随身的金属物品放在托盘里。
- Excuse me, but do you still have any metal objects on you? 对不起,您身上还有什么金属物品吗?
- The third is to avoid metal objects scratch the surface of leather. 第三是尽量避免金属物件划伤皮革表层。
- To groove or flute the rim of(a coin or other metal object). 印出沟槽在(钱币或其他金属制品)的边上印出沟槽的
- A loud, harsh noise, such as that made by two metal objects in collision. 撞击声,铿锵声强烈刺耳的声音,如两个金属物体碰撞发出的声音
- A loud,harsh noise,such as that made by two metal objects in collision. 撞击声,铿锵声强烈刺耳的声音,如两个金属物体碰撞发出的声音。
- MRI scanners rely on very strong, very smooth magnetic fields that can easily be disturbed by metallic objects inside the scanner. MRI扫描设备需要很强的,很平稳的磁场,而这会很轻易的就被扫描设备中的金属物质给破坏了。
- The conventional voltmeter isn t fit for testingthe RF induced voltage of the metallic object. 金属物体RF感应电压对人员和燃油都有危害。
- Then you should remove metal objects from your pockets and walk through a metal detector. 然后你得取出口袋中的金属物,走过金属探测器。
- Photographs of this quality are rare among UFO photographs, but in this particular shot you can clearly see a disc shaped, metallic object. 这是难得的照片品质之间不明飞行物照片但在这个镜头,可以清楚看到一个圆盘形金属物体。
- These methods are also applied in engineering geology and archeological investigations for the detection of caves, voids, caverns, fractured zones and metallic objects. 这些方法也适用于工程地质和考古调查,为侦查洞穴,孔洞,溶洞,裂隙带和金属物体。
- It can generate heat if the positive and negative terminals of the batteries are accidentally contacted by a metallic object. 如果电池的正极和负极端子无意中与金属物品接触会发热。
- Excuse me, please put all the metal objects in the box and walk through here for the security check. 对不起,为接受安全检查,请把金属物品都放在这个盒子里,并从这里走过去。
- An Indonesian naval commander said metal objects had been located on the seabed at three locations, Reuters reported. 一名印尼海军官员说,金属物在大陆架的3个位置有发现。