- metal lath and plaster 钢丝网抹灰,钢板网抹灰
- metal lath and plaster ceiling 金属网抹灰顶棚
- To change the shape of(a structure,such as a wall) by applying lath and plaster or boarding. 改变形状用板条,灰泥或大木板来改变(建筑物,如墙)的形状。
- To change the shape of(a structure, such as a wall)by applying lath and plaster or boarding. 改变形状用板条,灰泥或大木板来改变(建筑物,如墙)的形状
- To change the shape of(a structure,such as a wall)by applying lath and plaster or boarding. 改变形状用板条,灰泥或大木板来改变(建筑物,如墙)的形状
- To change the shape of(a structure, such as a wall) by applying lath and plaster or boarding. 改变形状用板条,灰泥或大木板来改变(建筑物,如墙)的形状
- To change the shape of (a structure, such as a wall) by applying lath and plaster or boarding. 改变形状:用板条,灰泥或大木板来改变(建筑物,如墙)的形状
- A conventional plaster application using metal lath mechanically fastened to the existing exterior and finished with a good acrylic cement finish is what is normally recommended. 通常建议的上灰泥的方法是,用金属板把灰泥固定在现有表面上,再以优质丙烯酸接合剂涂抹作为最后一道工序。
- Buying Medical Bandage And Plaster. 阿联酋求购绷带等。
- Clay, wax, and plaster are plastic substances. 黏土,蜡和石膏是可塑物质。
- "To change the shape of (a structure, such as a wall) by applying lath and plaster or boarding." 用板条,灰泥或大木板来改变(建筑物,如墙)的形状。
- The nurse washed and plastered the wound. 护士清洗了伤口并在上面贴了膏药。
- Silicone rubber and plaster of Paris have been used successfully. 硅橡胶和熟石膏作铸模亦已取得成功。
- timber lath and plaster 板条抹灰
- He adjusted the lathe and readied the cutting tool. 他调好车床,把刀具准备好。
- lath and plaster ceiling 板条抹灰顶棚
- lath and plaster partition 板条抹灰隔墙
- Methods We had used erternal splintage and plaster after the reduction by hand. 方法手法复位后用小夹板加石膏托外固定。
- Lath and plaster 板条和灰泥