- Used for:can be widely used for granular, powdery materials packaging such as metal mineral, chemical, food, feed, cement. 用途:可广泛用于五金矿产、化工、粮食、饲料、水泥等块粒状、粉状物品的包装。
- Zhenan-Xunyang area of Shaanxi Province is one of the main metal mineral sources in Southern Qinling Mountains. 摘要陕西镇安-旬阳地区是南秦岭重要的金属矿产地之一,形成的主要金属矿种有铅锌矿、汞锑矿和金矿。
- Nonferrous metal mineral resources are limited and non-renewable resources, and the lifeblood of the nonferrous metal mining enterprises. 摘要有色金属矿产资源是不可再生的有限资源,也是有色金属矿业企业的生存命脉。
- Use The flotation machine mainly user in separating selects the smalls to inlay metallic mineral... 浮选机 一、用途 浮选机主要用于离精选细料嵌布的金、银、铜、铁、铅、锌、钼、镍、铝等金属矿物。
- Moreover, the long-term, multiphase of evolution of metallic mineral resources can be divided into different stages, and constitutes a se... 同时归纳出区内各类金属矿产在时间演化上具有长期性、多期性、阶段性、序列性、继承性诸项规律。
- In a lot of traditions metallic mineral products tends dried up today, developing magnesian metal material quickly is one of important step that the society can develop continuously. 在很多传统金属矿产趋于枯竭的今天,加速开发镁金属材料是社会可持续发展的重要措施之一。
- The different origin leads to different metallogenic characteristics of metal minerals associated with the volcanics. 由于两类火山岩的成因不同,与它们相关的金属矿产成矿特征也有明显的差异。
- A thorough study should be made on mineralogical characteristics of metallic mineral and their applications in environmental purification in the future.The ... 今后,有关金属矿的矿物学特征及其在环境净化中的应用、天然矿物应用条件和再生条件的研究工作应进一步加强。
- Metal minerals in Wadizhou copper deposit appear to be zoning of chalcosine bornite chalcopy rite pyrite on the vertical direction. 凹地苴铜矿矿物在剖面上具从辉铜矿-斑铜矿-黄铜矿-黄铁矿分带现象。
- The precious metal and nonferrous metal mineralization in South Jiangxi is closely related to its specific magmato _structural conditions. 赣南贵金属、有色金属成矿与其特有的构造岩浆条件息息相关。
- A current is passed through earth materials not containing metallic minerals. 电流在不含金属矿物的地层介质内经过。
- Beryl, as a main beryllium-bearing mineral, is centralized and dispread in the rare metal mineralized muscovite albite-spodumene pegmatite, especially in the quartz-laminated muscovite structural belt. 福建南平花岗伟晶岩中铍矿物种类繁多,其中最主要的是绿柱石,它主要集中产出在稀有金属构成矿化的白云母-钠长石-锂辉石伟晶岩中,其中,以石英-叠层白云母结构带内最多。
- The Huozhou mineral resource is rich, closure present domestic discovery mineral resource total 23 kinds, including the metal minerals 4 kinds, namely iron, copper, aluminum, gold. 霍州市矿产资源丰富,截止目前境内发现的矿产资源共计23种,其中有金属矿产4种,即铁、铜、铝、金。
- She knows why the metal is the good conductor. 她知道金属为什么是好的导体。
- Can I fasten these metal plates with rivets? 我可以用铆钉把这些金属板固定在一起吗?
- Xingli Trading Co.,ltd is one of the international trading company, mainly dealing and supplying metalic mineral resources to our joint medium-size steel mills with high prestige in China. 日照市兴利贸易有限公司是主营金属和矿产品的国际贸易公司,向我们的联合中型钢铁企业提供矿石原料,在国内享有盛誉。
- You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal. 需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上。