- Ilmenite-containing bedrock falls into a Hercynian basic rock. 其含钛铁矿基岩为海西期基性岩。
- A basic rock whose pockmarked appearance is caused by the presence of numerous white,rounded,embedded spherules. 球颗玄武岩一种基性的岩石,其有麻窝的外表是由无数白色,圆形嵌进去的小球的存在连成的。
- The basic rock material is usually finely crystalline and is referred to as the matrix. 基性岩石物质具有完美的晶体结构,一般构成基质。
- A basic rock whose pockmarked appearance is caused by the presence of numerous white, rounded, embedded spherules. 球颗玄武岩一种基性的岩石,其有麻窝的外表是由无数白色,圆形嵌进去的小球的存在连成的
- The early basic rock in the zhong Tiao rift zone,and the mineralizing ftruids are mainly of high salinity. 晚太古代降县期,即中条裂谷活动早期形成了与铜矿床密切相关的基础火山岩。
- A possibility is proposed for finding small type of deep part liquation deposits in copper mine areas through the rock chemical analysis of ultrabasic and basic rocks of the area. 通过对铜矿山超基性 -基性岩体的岩体化学成分分析 ,提出该区寻找小型深部熔离铜镍硫化物矿床的可能性
- meta - basic rock 变质基性岩
- It's almost impossible to agree on a unified basic price. 几乎不可能商定一个划一的基本价格。
- The basic rocks, which belong to alkali and tholeiitic magma series, enriched in LREE and LIL. The magmatic source of basic volcanic rocks was enrichment mantle being analogous to oceanic island basalts sources. 基性火山岩有磁性玄武岩与拉斑玄武岩两个岩浆系列,且富集LREE与LIL,其岩浆源区为与洋岛玄武岩源相似的富集地幔柱源。
- Let me enlarge on this basic theme. 让我进一步阐述一下这个基本主题。
- Let's examine into the basic mechanism involved. 让我们把有关的基本结构搞搞清楚。
- The family is the basic unit of society. 家庭是社会的基本单位。
- Alas, Meta never even saw our apartment. 可惜阿梅竟从来没有看见过我们的住处。
- Children begin to learn basic morals in the kindergarten. 孩子们从幼儿园开始学习基本的道德规范。
- Don't spool to enhanced meta files. 对高级的媒体文件不假脱机。
- Think meta cognitively about your business. 你觉得梅塔视觉业务。
- Traders sold basic commodities to the tribesmen. 商人向部落里的人出售生活必需的商品。
- You can also define custom meta variables. 您还可以定义自定义元变量。
- The basic theme of these stories never varies. 这些故事的基本主题永远不变。
- Mention your keywords inside the meta tags. 梅塔内提你主题词标识。