- meshed ground reference plane 网孔状地参考面
- Ground Plane: A conductive plane as a common ground reference in a multilayer PCB for current returns of the circuit elements and shielding. 中的公共接地参照的导电层,用做电流回路和屏蔽。
- The distance between the reference plane and the plane of the luminaires. 参考平面与灯具平面之间的距离。
- Analysis of Signal Integrity of High-Speed Interconnects on Meshed Ground Plane 网孔状地参考面上高速互连的信号完整性分析
- Strike is the trace of the intersection of an obliquelyinclined plane with a horizontal reference plane. 走向是倾斜平面与水平参考成交线的迹线。
- Strike is the trace of the intersection of an obliquely inclined plane with a horizontal reference plane. 走向是倾斜平面与水平参考成交线的迹线。
- Electrically isolated from power mains and ground referenced. 电气绝缘电力线路和参考地。谢谢!
- Be like,wear systematic plate to light steel plasterboard, dust special board, the tool reference plane such as splint is stickup and indoor ceramic tile result is favorable. 对于轻钢架系统板材如石膏板、埃特板、夹板等基面粘贴室内瓷砖效果良好。
- Bistatic wind fields synthesis equations are analysed and I educes target location equation in receiver including conversion from ground reference frame to one defined by us. 分析了双基地雷达风场合成公式,推导了双基地雷达中目标在子站中的定位方程,其中涉及到从大地坐标系到本课题所定义的坐标系的转换。
- ROLL is the instantaneous value of the angle between the reference plane and the horizontal, measured in an athwartship vertical plane. 横摇以从左到右通过舰身的垂直面,量度参考面与水平面之间所形成的即时角度。
- A gyroscope is so mounted that, as its axis of spin establishes and maintains the true vertical, it makes possible the establishment of a reference plane in the horizontal. 在船上安装一具陀螺仪,旋转它的转轴并保持在直立状态,如此一来便可对应水平面建立一个参考面。
- The two plans meshed with each other smoothly. 这两个计划互相配合得很好。
- The influencing factors of imaging accuracy were as follows: postural slant, reference plane choice of anatomical position fusion, field of view (FOV) with MR images, and control of color window of 201 Tl SPECT. 融合成像精度影响因素包括 :体位、解剖位置融合时基准的选择是否正确、MRI矢状面视野的大小以及SPECT彩色窗的调节。
- The fox went to ground under a rocky escarpment. 狐狸钻进了石崖下面的洞里。
- The use of balanced transmission lines can help but if the signal bandwidth extends to DC there will be a need for a very high performance instrumentation amplifier at the receiving end to restore a ground referenced signal. 采用平衡传输线有助于改善信号完整性,但是对于带宽延伸到dc的信号,接收端要靠超高性能的仪表放大器来还原参考电平。
- Reference plane of instrument panel 仪表参考平面
- Back at the lab, technicians assign the frames latitude, longitude and elevation coordinates from U.S.Geological Survey ground references and scan dozens of frames into a computer. 回到实验室,技术人员会参考美国地质调查所的地面资料,指出画面拍摄的经纬度与仰角坐标,并把数十张画面扫描到电脑里。
- The fish tangled in the mesh of the net has died. 那条卡在网眼上的鱼已经死了。
- Our future plans must mesh with existing practices. 我们未来的计划必须与当前的实践相合。
- build mould method of location reference plane 定位参考面建模