- mescal maguey 梅斯考尔马奎叶纤维
- Well, it was my first timedrinking mescal. 哦 这是我第一次喝龙舌兰酒。
- Drunkard listens the itch to try on wheeler, then he at a heat fill was over that cup of maguey. 酒鬼听后马上跃跃欲试,于是他便一口气灌完了那杯龙舌兰。
- Juice from the stem is somewhat sweet and can be pressed and fermented to make the fiery liquor mescal de sotol. 其茎部汁液微甜,经压榨发酵后,可制成烈性的麦斯卡尔龙舌兰酒。
- I was still holding the bottle of mescal in my hand."If you're not going to pour," he said, "allow me. 那位放射线专家跑到我跟前:“如果你不打算倒,”他说,“请让我来。”
- On Sept 26th, 2005, Spring was invited to attend the mescal party held by Mexico Consulate Shanghai. 刘春泉律师出席墨西哥龙舌兰酒品酒及推广会。
- Escamoles are the eggs of the giant black Liometopum ant, which makes its home in the root systems of maguey and agave plants. 彝斯咖魔是一种黑色的巨型光胸臭蚁的卵,这种蚂蚁的巢穴安在龙舌兰和龙舌兰属植物的根部。
- The radiologist on my right selected a bottle of mescal from the booze on the table and poured some into a clear plastic cup. 我右边的一位放射线专家从桌上的酒堆里挑了一瓶龙舌兰,用一个干净的塑料杯倒了点。
- Produced from the sap of the maguey plant, pulque advocates say the drink has medicinal qualities. But they worry that beer and other beverages are pushing it aside. 这种饮料是用植物龙舌兰的汁液制成的,普尔奇酒的拥护者说这种饮料具有疗效,但他们担心这种饮料的地位正渐渐被啤酒和其他饮料取代。
- ACCEPTING BACK-UP OFFERS, SHORT SALE APPROVED. TO VIEW GIVE COUPLE OF OF HRS NOTICE. HOME IN GREAT LOCATION BETWEEN FULLERTON / MESCAL CUL-DE-SAC. 接受议价,银行回收屋。如要参观,请预先通知。房屋在优良的地理位置,Fullerton和Mescal的小路街角上。(以上所有的中文翻译如有不完善及错误均以英文版的说明为准,敬请见谅)(k
- Her darling sister, ink dark hair shining like silk in the fantastic candle light, blue eyes burning as the mescal wine in her goblet. 湛蓝的眼睛燃烧着仿佛杯中的龙舌兰酒。
- Learn how tequila is made and distinguish it from mezcal (mescal). Read about the myths that surround this exotic liquor, including that of the worm inside the bottle. 墨西哥电影中“英雄”的形象都是直接拿特奇拉酒瓶喝酒的,够“男人”味道,这样才能对抗西班牙人和美国人的侵略,像中国电视剧“狼毒花”中常发,马背上有酒有女人。
- Mexican mescal bottle. 麦斯卡尔酒瓶子细节图片 mescal bottle detail.
- a small spineless globe-shaped cactus; source of mescal buttons. 小型无刺的球状仙人掌;威廉斯仙人球花之源。
- a small spineless globe-shaped cactus; source of mescal buttons 小型无刺的球状仙人掌;龙舌兰花之源
- changes in colour-vision produced by drugs ('such as mescal'); 由药物造成的“颜色视觉”的变化(“例如墨斯卡林”);
- " " above all.You must one Piao gas drinks this cup to add full peppery maguey. “首先.你必须一囗气喝掉这杯加满胡椒的龙舌兰。”
- the hallucinatory alkaloid that is the active agent in mescal buttons. 龙舌兰花的积极元素的迷幻生物碱。
- the hallucinatory alkaloid that is the active agent in mescal buttons 龙舌兰花的积极元素的迷幻生物碱
- fermented Mexican drink from juice of various agave plants especially the maguey. 墨西哥的一种用各种各样的龙舌兰植物尤其是龙舌兰的汁液发酵制成的酒。