- meromorphic coefficents 亚纯函数系数
- meromorphic function coefficents 亚纯函数系数
- In charpter2, we will discuss some normal principles of meromorphic functions. 在第二章,我们讨论了亚纯函数的几个正规定则。
- Hayman W. K., Meromorphic Functions, 1964, Oxford Univ. Press, New York. 杨乐;值分布论及其新研究;1982;科学出版社;北京.
- Two parallel multiplier-accumulators are used in a pipelined fashion for calculating correlation coefficents. 介绍了系统存贮器的构成和寻址方式,高速流水型运算器阵列的构成等。
- In this paper, we researches the sum of U( r)- relative deficiency of meromorphic functions, which generalize. 本文我们主要研究亚纯函数导数的U()相对亏量和;得到一些推广结果.
- BMOA and VMOA have been extended to the meromorphic functions as UBC and UBC_0 respectively. UBC类与UBC_0类函数分别是BMOA类与VMOA类函数的亚纯推广。
- We deal with the uniqueness problems on the meromorphic functions sharing the finite sets. 本文讨论了分担有限集合的亚纯函数.;唯一性;所得定理分别改进了仪洪勋和周后卿研究的相关结果。
- So, in order to discover essential properties, the paper focuses on deep study upon the wave forces over submerged dyke and transmission coeffic. 潜堤是一种常见的护岸工程结构物,广泛的应用于护岸、保滩促淤、围海造田以及导流等近海工程中。
- In this paper, The uniqueness of meromorphic functions with a common range set and deficient values is studied. 研究了具有一个公共值和亏值的亚纯函数的唯一性.
- Using the idea of weighted sharing,deal with the uniqueness problems on meromorphic functions that sharing three sets. 利用权分担集合的思想讨论了关于分担三个集合的亚纯函数的唯一性问题。
- He also gaveout a upper bound of characteristic functions of composite meromorphic functions. 并给出了复合亚纯函数的特征函数的一个上界.
- In this thesis, we study uniqueness of meromorphic functions.We also study normal families and normal functions simply. 本文主要研究了亚纯函数的唯一性问题,并简要地研究了正规族与正规函数的问题。
- Keywords: meromorphic function, holomorphic function, normal families, differential polynomials, sharing values. 关键词:亚纯函数,全纯函数,正规族,微分多项式,分担值。
- Entire function, Meromorphic function, Exceptional set, Deficiency, Differential polynomial. 整函数,亚纯函数,例外集,亏量,进分多项式
- Normal families of meromorphic functions is an important subject in complex analysis. 正规性是单复变函数中重要的研究课题。
- In chapter 1, we briefly introduce the value distribution theory of meromorphic function. 第一章, 扼要介绍亚纯函数值分布理论的主要概念、基本结果和常用记号。
- In this paper, we investigate the problem of the existence of transcendental meromorphic solutions of a type of algebraic differential equation and obtain a result. 讨论了一类代数微分方程的超越亚纯解的存在性问题,得到了一个结果.
- The author investigated the problem of shared values for several meromorphic functions and obtained some results concerning uniqueness theorems. 讨论了多个亚纯函数的分担值问题,得到了几个唯一性定理。
- Gundersen, G. and Laine, I., On the meromorphic solutions of some algebraic differential equations (to appear in Journal Math.Anal.Appl.). 高仕安;关于一类常微分方程亚纯解的个数(待发表).