- merger and acquisition premium 并购溢价
- So far in January, merger and acquisition activity has remained strong. 到1月份为止,并购活动仍然保持强劲的势头。
- Specializes in providing a full range of merger and acquisition services. 是一所专门提供全面收购合并服务的企业。
- We are a privately held merger and acquisition investment banking firm. 美国麦瑞德公司是一家私有合并和收购投资银行公司。
- Transnational merger and acquisition is a hot topic in our country these years, especially in security sector. 摘要近几年来,跨国并购成为我国特别是证券业界的热门话题。
- If succeeds, this purchase will become this company throughout history second big merger and acquisition. 如果成功,此次收购将成为该公司有史以来第二大并购。
- The smaller size the FHC is the more excess return of merger and acquisition ability is. 金融控股公司拥有的流动性资产比例越多则会提高其选择并购对象能力之超额报酬。
- This is the first time BOC has issued a loan to support a company's merger and acquisition activities. 这是中国银行支持公司并购而成功发放的第一笔贷款。
- But, behind the blustery merger and acquisition tide, the success merger and acquisition case not sees. 但是,在风起云涌的并购浪潮背后,成功的并购案例并不多见。
- The directors of the company are secretly discussing matters concerning the merger and acquisition. 公司董事会正在密议这次并购事宜。
- Merger and acquisition (M/A) has become essential elements of corporate strategy. 在激烈之产业竞争环境下,购并已然成为企业成长策略的必要一环。
- WSJ: What was the first merger and acquisition deal you participated in, and what did you learn from it? 谈谈你参与的第一桩并购交易,你从中学到了什么?
- Offering merger and acquisition and valuation services, structured finance and general advice to middle market companies. 为兼并和获得和估价服务,组织的金融和将军提供忠告到中间的市场公司。
- Zhang Xinzhu said that in examination merger and acquisition time, most important one step was the limits the related market. 张昕竹介绍说,在审查并购的时候,首要一步是界定“相关市场”。
- On microcosmic angle, the illogicality of enterprise property right system restrict the progress of foreign capital"s Merger and Acquisition. 在微观上,我国企业产权制度不合理制约了外资并购的进程。
- Recently, big groups and transnational companies prefer the merger and acquisition, which integrates the resources, but monopolizes the market. 一方面实现了行业资源整合,另一方面却导致了行业垄断性市场价格。
- In China, even if transnational merger and acquisition has developed very well, relevant laws and regulations are not perfect and systematic yet. 目前我国的跨国并购虽然已有了长足的发展,但是,相关的法律法规仍不完善和不系统。
- Intellectual capital (IC) presents the core competence of a company, its synergy is the source of value creation in merger and acquisition. 摘要知识资本是公司核心能力的表现其协同是并购企业价值创造的重要源泉。
- Merger and Acquisition (M&A) has been becoming an important way to promote enterprises reform, improve economic structure and make capital moveable. 企业并购已成为我国深化企业改革、调整经济结构和盘活资产存量的主要手段。
- Many large companies still disdain the idea of mergers and acquisitions. 很多大公司依然不屑于进行并购。