- Coloured materials are hard to remove in treatment plants. 处理厂去除有色物质是困难的。
- Mild antiseptics and antibiotics should be used in treatment. 必须用中性消毒药和抗菌素治疗。
- mentality in treatment 从医心理
- Every patient in treatment group was given Yinxingdamo injection. 治疗组在此基础上加用银杏达莫注射液。
- So CMG may be an effective immunomodulator in treatment of sepsis. CMG可能是有效治疗脓毒症的免疫调理剂之一。
- Conclusion Matrine may be very effective in treatment of HSK. 结论苦参碱对病毒性角膜炎有明显的治疗作用。
- He's phsically and mentally in good shape. 他身心都处于最佳状态。
- Besides that,the KB type equipment was used in treatment group. 治疗组除给予常规的抗生素加中药灌肠治疗外,还给予妇科治疗仪治疗。
- In treatment,blood stasis that an important factor should be se... 在治疗中,尤其要抓住瘀血这个关键要素。
- The authors reviewed the recent advances in treatment of PHN. 本文就目前PHN的治疗进展进行综述。
- But there's an “assembly-line mentality” in which patients receive treatment in huge rooms that are packed with rows of wheelchairs and offer little privacy. 但同时,中国有着“心理装配流水线”,病人们接收救治时集中在诺大的满是轮椅的房间里,没有什么隐私。
- Vitamins and physio have little role in treatment of Bell's palsy. 如果他是真正的儿科医生,他的诊断应该无问题吧。
- The key is having good players, a good squad and a good mentality in the team. 关键是拥有优秀的队员,团结的团队和一个良好的精神状态。”
- This is my "legal" mentality in the face of society discomposure start. 这是我以“法律”心态面对社会的狼狈开局。
- Objective:To investigate the progress in treatment of asthma. 目的:探讨支气管哮喘的治疗进展。
- It was a strange time when Nichole was in treatment. 尼科尔接受治疗期间,对我而言,那是段特殊的日子。
- The strong desire to drop Chinese names is probably unrelated to the mentality in the past to fawn over things foreign. 急于丢弃自己姓名的现象相信和过去崇洋媚外的想法没有关系。
- Statistics on the one-child policy confirm the continuing dominance of a patriarchal mentality in China. 与独生子女政策有关的数据证实了中国重男轻女思想持续的统治地位。
- Can you talk about the difference of your mentality in the first week versus what's going to be happening next week. 能谈谈第一周和第二周你的心理状态有什么不同吗?
- Tian Pingzuo of escapism mentality in me expose the very perfect, I hate reality. 天平座的逃避现实的心态在我身上展露的很完美,我讨厌现实。