- A mental model begins coalescing in their minds. 一个意识模型开始结合到他们的脑子里。
- Why do people need to constantly change their own mental model? 为什么要不断改善心智模式?
- The air traffic controller's "picture" is an example of a mental model. 空中交通管制员的"描述"就是一个心智模型的实例。
- Then the defect of mental model in the enterprises that need BPR is analyzed. 分析了需要进行流程再造的企业心智模式存在的缺陷;
- Develop a mental model for classifying types of accounting accruals. 形成对会计应计科目分类的基本想法。
- Deleting from the lower right to the upper left maps to a strong, intrinsic mental model, so it seems natural. 从右下角到左上角的删除映射到一种强烈且固有的心理模型,这看起来很自然。
- People’s expectations about a product and the way it works are highly informed by their mental model. 人们对于产品的期望和对于产品工作方式的想像大部分来自于他们的心理模型。
- A user’s mental model doesn’t necessarily have to be true or accurate, but it should enable him to work effectively. 用户的心理模型并不一定要真实或者准确,但它应该能够让用户更有效地工作。
- Goal-directed interactions reflect user mental models. 目标导向的交互反映了用户的心理模型。
- Tabs are successful because the idiom follows many users’ mental model of how things are normally stored. 标签之所以如此成功,是因为该习惯用法遵循了用户有关“事物存储”的心理模型,即单层分组。
- We can still offer users all the advantages of that extra copy on disk without exploding their mental model. 我们仍然可以在不破坏用户心理模型的情况下,为用户提供磁盘上另一份复制的所有好处。
- The following is a different approach to document management that better supports most users’ mental model. 我们将要讨论的是文档管理的另一种不同方法,可以更好地支持大多数使用者的心理模型。
- The user also has a model, a mental model which he has built up according to his experiences in a site. 用户也有一种模型,这种是用户通过访问一个网站建立的一个精神上的、思维上模型。就是用户使用该网站的一种习惯。
- One fundamental aspect of this system is the mental model that aboriginal people are irresponsible savages. 这个系统的基本面其实是一个精神模式:人们认为原住民有不负责任的天性,且不怎么开化。
- When an experience meets your expectations your mental model of reality remains intact. 当经验满意你的预期时,你的现实大脑模型保持不变。
- Reversing on a function-by-function basis is a very appropriate mental model for solving most simple problems that arise when a user makes an erroneous entry. 对于大多数因为用户输入错误而产生的问题来说,一个功能接着一个功能地恢复是合适的心理模型。
- The interface follows the mental model of graphic artists who are after a particular look, not a set of abstract numerical values. 这个界面遵循了图形设计者的心理模型,他们往往不喜欢一组枯燥抽象的数值,而更喜欢看到具体的外观。
- Small,but crucial details of an actual event are likely to be forgotten because they are overwhelmed by the strength of the mental model. 而当前事件细微但至关重要的细节可能因淹没在强大的默认模式中而被遗忘。
- In the digital world, however, the differences between a user’s mental model and the implementation model are often quite distinct. 然而,在数字世界里,用户的心理模型和实现模型经常是截然不同的。
- Figure 17-4: The revised file menu now better reflects the user’s mental model, rather than the programmer’s implementation model. 图17-4 这个改善了的新式文件菜单更好地反映了用户的心理模型,而不是程序员的实现模型。