- Fibroid symptoms can include excessie menstrual bleeding, enlarged uterine size, frequent urination, pelic pressure or pain and infertility. 平滑肌瘤症状包括过多的经血,子宫体积增大,尿频,骨盆压痛以及不孕。
- In fact, by one year of use, there may be up to a 90% reduction in menstrual bleeding, and 20% of Mirena users had no bleeding or spotting at all. 事实上,通过一年的使用,可能会有多达90 %25的减少月经出血,和20 %25的mirena用户没有出血或检举在所有。
- The pill may be preferable for some women, because it can help control irregular menstrual bleeding and hot flashes and has been shown to reduce hip fractures and ovarian cancer, wrote Kaunitz. 口服避孕药可能对一些妇女更可取,因为它能够帮助那些妇女控制不规则月经出血及潮热等,并已显示出可以减少髋部骨折和卵巢癌,考尼茨写到。
- Keywords Clinical research;Qi Zhu Hemostatic Granule;Abnormal menstrual bleeding due to hysteromyoma; 临床研究;芪术止血颗粒;子宫肌瘤经期异常出血;
- The stoppage of bleeding or hemorrhage. 止血阻止流血或大出血
- She bound up the child's bleeding wound with gauze. 她把小孩出血的伤口用纱布包扎起来了。
- His face was busted open and bleeding. 他的脸被打得皮开血流。
- The nurse tied off his bleeding finger. 护士扎住了他流血的手指。
- Abnormally heavy or extended menstrual flow. 月经过多异常多或长时间的月经来潮
- The boss tried to bleed his employees for every penny they had. 老板力图从雇工们身上榨取出每一分钱。
- Irregular menstrual bleeding 不规则月经出血
- Infrequent menstrual periods, no menstrual periods, and/or irregular bleeding. 经量少,闭经,不规则出血。
- menstrual bleeding 月经出血
- The first menstrual period, usually occurring during puberty. 月经初期第一次月经期,通常发生于青春期
- The nurse applied some ointment to the cut to stop the bleeding. 护士在伤口上搽了些药膏来止血。
- All the young soldiers are ready to bleed for the country. 所有的年轻战士都愿意为祖国洒热血。
- It makes the heart bleed to hear the violent death of this famous actor. 听到这位著名演员暴死的消息,令人悲痛万分。
- D: How about your menstrual cycle? 你的月经周期怎样?
- Our hearts bleed for homeless people during this cold winter. 我们的心为在这严冬中无家可归的人悲伤。
- Are your menstrual cycles regular? 您的月经周期规则吗?