- menarche praecox 早发月经初潮, 早发初潮
- Menarche at earlier age was associated with a higher BMD(P<0.05). 月经初潮早的女性BMD值比月经初潮晚的女性高(P <0 .;0 5 )。
- Their first spermatorrhoea and menarche were also investigated. 结果2组青少年的身高、体重发育水平差异无统计学意义;
- Delayed menarche, dysmenorrheal. Can conceive, delivered mostly girls. 多有月经初潮偏迟,痛经史。曾经生育的大多是女孩儿。
- In Vitro Culture and Plant Regeneration of Chimonanthus praecox Link. 蜡梅的离体培养与植株再生。
- The bamboo species attacked reaches 17 with Phyllostachys praecox being worst. 该病已成为竹子发展的一个限制性因子之一。
- Objective:To analyze the correlative factors of age at menarche of Guangxi. 目的分析影响广西地区女性月经初潮年龄的相关因素。
- Among the students investigated the earliest menarche happened at age 8.01. 全部调查资料中,初经发生最早是8.;01岁。
- Chimonanthus praecox could be divided into three groups by UPGMA cluster analysis. 利用群体间欧氏距离进行的UPGMA聚类分析结果表明,蜡梅野生群体可以划分为3类。
- Bamboo shoot early harvesting and high yielding cultivation technology of Phyllostachys praecox f. Preveralis. 雷竹提早出笋高产技术。
- Fundamentally Carl is a snob, an aristocratic little prick who lives in a dementia praecox kingdom all his own. 卡尔在骨子里是个势利小人,一个有贵族派头的讨厌鬼,他完全生活在一个精神分裂症的世界中。”
- Results For those with dementia praecox, affective disorders, and relapse mania at early hos... 结论在患者入院初期不宜探视,在病情稳定期和康复期的探视也有必要限制。
- A 13-year-old girl's menarche was at 11 years old.Her duration of menses was 10 days per month. 摘要一名13岁女性学生自11岁开始初经,每个月来潮10天左右。
- The association was not explained by childhood lung function or age at menarche. 这种关系不能用儿童期肺功能或月经初潮年龄来解释。
- With RAPD molecular markers,19 cultivars and 2 affinis species of? Phyllostachys praecox? were analysed. 对雷竹的 1 9个栽培类型及 2个近缘种进行了RAPD分析。
- Conclusion:Galactophore hyperplasia relate to menarche,menopause,pregnancy,lactation,social environment and so on. 结论:乳腺增生与初潮、绝经、妊娠、授乳与社会环境等因素有关。
- Ultimately,this slight delay in menarche will also decrease their risk for reproductive cancers. 这种在月经初期轻微的延迟也会降低他们患 生殖器官癌症 的风险。
- The 8MI were higher than 18 for students reached menarche, while the BMI of premenarcheal students were less than 18. 同一年龄层的学童无论身高、体重、BMI值,有初经者均与未有初经者有显著差异,有初经者BMI值均大于18,无初经者BMI值则小于18。
- No pubertas praecox and other side-effects were found.The procedures of the LHRH treatment must be performed as early as possible. 结论用皮下泵模拟人体下丘脑脉冲式释放LHRH的方法治疗小儿隐睾症是有效的,无性早熟等副作用。
- Conclusion There may be correlation among obesity in children, timing of menarche and obesity in puberty. 结论儿童期的肥胖、月经初潮年龄和青春期的肥胖之间可能存在联系。