- Polls show that we will be in the semi finals of ACL in September. 调查显示九月份我们将会出现在亚冠四强。
- The general had to scant his men rs rations. 将军不得不减少士兵的口粮。
- The man from the Czech republic showed some of the sublime touch that carried him to the semi final stage. 而捷克人也显示了强大的实力,这也是他能晋身半决赛的原因。
- I can recall the men rs features. 我回忆得起这个人的容貌。
- Great men rs sons seldom do well. 富不过三代。
- The old man rs beard fell over his chest. 这位老人的髯须垂在胸前。
- One man rs guess is as good as another rs. 猜测终究是猜测而已
- The Reds have since notched 11 FA Cup and five League Cup semi final wins. 之后红魔经历了11次足总杯半决赛和5次联赛杯半决赛。
- One man rs fault is other man rs lesson. 前车之鉴。
- It is good to learn at another man rs cost. 前车可鉴。
- They met Yugoslavia in the semi finals but lost at the Parc des Princes in a thrilling game. 他们半决赛的对手是南斯拉夫队,双方在王子公园经过一场激烈的厮杀,法国最终告负。
- A good wife health is a man rs best wealth. 妻贤身体好是男人最大的财富。
- A good wife and health is a man rs best wealth. 贤妻和健康是男子的至宝。
- In the semi finals they came up against surprise packages the Czech Republic and a Karel Poborsky goal in the second half sent France out. 半决赛中法国队对阵捷克,波博斯基在下半场的进球将法国人送回了家(应该是120分钟内打成0:0平,双方互射点球最终法国5:6被捷克淘汰)。
- The snake struck the man rs hand. 蛇咬伤了那男人的手。
- The old man rs days are numbered. 这位老人的日子屈指可数了。
- In case a tie exists in the standing for the first four places in Singles, Doubles, Trios or Team event before the semi finals a roll-off, frames 9-10, will be played. 若是个人组、双人组、三人组、团体组的最后对半决赛前,排名发生同分状况时进行加赛(第九、十格)。
- The sick man rs strength is on the wane. 病人的体力越来越弱。
- An honest man rs word is as good as his bond. 诚实人的诺言实际上就是他的保证书。
- In the domestic cup competition Schalke 04 defeated FC Bayern Munich in the semi final. 在德国杯的比赛中,沙尔克04在半决赛中击败了拜仁。