- memory support capability 存储器支援能力
- The OR1200 is a 32-bit scalar RISC with Harvard microarchitecture, 5 stage integer pipeline, virtual memory support (MMU) and basic DSP capabilities. OR1200是一种32位、标量、哈佛微体系结构、5级整数流水线RISC,支持虚拟存储器和基本的DSP功能。
- Military logistics as a vinculum between military material supply and demand, the efficiency of it affect military material support capability heavily. 军事物流作为连接军用物资供给与消费需求的纽带,其效益的好坏在很大程度上影响着军用物资保障能力的强弱。
- To determine the support capability required, the axial force and moment load created by the payload must be calculated. 不过,因为只有几个因数产生影响,所以人工计算出扭矩和缓冲要求也是可以的。
- ERM will provide a significant performance upgrade to the current fleet fire support capability with respect to range, accuracy, and lethality. ERM将在射程、精确度和致命性方面提供优于当前舰队火力支撑能力的性能升级。
- Especially in the flights on time, the timely opening of the provisional plans, the use of small ferry to ease the pressure on the ferry to the tension, enhancing vehicle operation support capability. 特别是在航班集中的时间段,应及时启用临时预案,使用小摆渡车缓解摆渡车紧张的压力,提高车辆运行保障能力。
- For example, working memory supports the controller's building and updating of the current and projected assessments of the ATC situation. 例如,工作记忆可以支持管制员的思维并更新当前和计划的对空中交通管制形势的估计。
- Integral instability of a gantry crane causes structure to lose load supporting capability. 龙门起重机的整体失稳导致结构丧失承载能力。
- For example,working memory supports the controller's building and updating of the current and projected assessments of the ATC situation. 例如,工作记忆可以支持管制员的思维并更新当前和计划的对空中交通管制形势的估计。
- The bush of thrust bearing is made of elastic-metal fluoroplastics, advantageous in a strong supporting capability. 推力轴承瓦为弹性金属氟塑料瓦,具有承载能力强的特点。
- It is important that the selected shared memory supports the RMW cycle on the bus and guarantee the indivisibility of such cycles. 共享内存支持RMW周期是很重要的,并且保证每个周期的完整性(不可被拆分)。
- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。
- We also expect the acquisition to strengthen our service and support capabilities in all regions across the globe. 我们还希望此次收购能够在全球各地区加强我们的服务和技术支持能力。
- Support Capability Assessment Model 供应能力评估模式
- Total Avionic Support Capability 航空电子总体支援能力
- the maintenance support capability 维修保障能力
- I can't vouch for the accuracy of my memory. 我无法保证我的记忆正确无误。
- The PLA strives actively to reform its logistical structure and system, construct a modern logistical support system and constantly enhance its logistical support capabilities. 人民解放军积极改革后勤体制和制度,构建现代后勤保障体系,不断提高后勤保障能力。
- Invensys Process Systems today announced seven new wireless-enabled solutions and expanded global network implementation and support capabilities. 英维思过程系统今天宣布,七项新无线激活和全球扩展网络执行及支持功能。
- Support at deployed locations ranges from full flightline support capabilities to bare base operations.However, all have limited back-shop support. 首先对比了威斯汀豪斯公司的雷达,然后用3年时间对雷达、数据处理、显示和通信系统进行了各分系统的样机验证试飞与全系统的综合试飞。