- The terrible scene was engraved on his memory. 那可怕的情景铭记在他的记忆里。
- Elephants strip the leaves from trees. 大象剥去了树上的叶子。
- England are playing in the blue and white strip. 英格兰队穿著蓝白色运动衣进行比赛。
- I can't vouch for the accuracy of my memory. 我无法保证我的记忆正确无误。
- Our football players have a red and white strip. 我们队的足球队员们穿着红白两色的队服。
- He tied a string on his finger to jog his memory. 他把一条细绳系在指头上,以唤起记忆。
- There is a strip of garden behind his house. 他房子后面有一小块狭长形的园地。
- They swamped out a small landing strip. 他们开辟了一个简易小机场。
- The doctor asked the patient to strip. 医生让病人脱掉衣服。
- I don't think you could ever drink away the memory. 我看你决不能借喝酒来忘掉这件事。
- Strip off the platform rhetoric and what you are left with? 揭掉那一套竞选政纲的花言巧语,你还剩下什么?
- She retains a clear memory of his schooldays. 他清晰地记得他学生时代的情景。
- The joiner nailed a strip of wood on the door. 木匠把一块木条钉在门上。
- She is always moaning about her bad memory. 她总是抱怨自己的记性不好。
- The memory remains sharply engraved on my mind. 这件事仍然深深地铭刻在我心中。
- How far does your memory go back? 你能回忆起多久以前的事情?
- Strip to the waist and lie down on the diagnostic couch over there. 把衣服解开到腰间,躺到那诊断床上去。
- Don't rely on his memory he's a bit of a dreamer. 不要相信他的记忆力--他有点神不守舍的。
- A strip of flexible wood used for making baskets. 用来编织篮子的剖开的细长木条
- A storage cell in some amorphous memory devices. 某些非晶体存储器中的一个存储单元。