- In this paper, relative membership grade (RMG) theory is discussed. 论述了相对隶属度理论及该理论应用于模糊评价的基本原理和方法,包括相对隶属度函数的建立;
- An assessment fee is required to enable the membership grade to be confirmed by the CILT Assessment Panel. 申请者必须交纳用于CILT评审委员会审核会员级别的评审费。
- In the case that the jobs have a common due-date and the same membership grade of earliness, an optimal scheduling is obtained in which the total completion earliness is maximized. 当工件具有共同工期及相同提前隶属水平时,给出了使得总提前完工量达到最大的最优调度;
- economic linkage membership grade 经济联系隶属度
- membership grade of engineering characteristics 工程特征隶属度
- Hierarchic Classification Diagnosis Models Based on Membership Grade and Rules 基于隶属度和规则的层次分类诊断模型
- Multi-sensor identity fusion based on the maximum membership grade principle 基于最大隶属度原则的多传感器身份融合
- Pupils who pass the test will be promoted to the next higher grade. 小学生只要考试及格就会升到高年级。
- Function of membership grade used for fault diagnosis of electric locomotives 机车故障诊断中征兆隶属度函数的研究
- He is excluded from membership of the society. 他被拒绝入会。
- We are trying to increase our membership. 我们正准备增收会员。
- I must renew my membership of the sailing club. 我必须延续我的航海俱乐部会员资格。
- He's not in the first grade as a musician. 他不是第一流的音乐家。
- assessment method of grey multidimensional comprehensive membership grade 灰色多维综合隶属度评估方法
- By1940 the Party's membership had risen to800000. 到1940年,党员人数增加到了80万人。
- Business is now on the up grade. 目前生意蒸蒸日上。
- Pupils with 90% or more are awarded Grade A. 满90分的学生评为甲等。
- Membership of the club is restricted to men only. 该俱乐部的成员仅限于男士。
- He has put in for membership of the club. 他已申请加入这家俱乐部。
- I've already paid my membership dues. 我已经交了我的会员费。