- In this paper the contents of medical imaging informatics and its relation to radilogical imaging were discussed. 就医学影像信息学的内容及其与医学放射成像的关系进行讨论。
- medical imaging informatics 医学影像信息学
- Applications of medical imaging play an important role in Ophthalmology. 摘要眼底影像可被用来作为临床疾病之记录,诊断,及追踪。
- And that is what makes it a medical imaging method with bright future. 因而在医学诊断及治疗领域有着光明的应用前景,成为医学成像领域发展迅速的一个分支。
- The market for medical imaging displays is experiencing a dynamic shift. 医疗影像显示器市场正在经历动态转变。
- Beijing MIT Medical Image Technology Co., Ltd. 北京迈特医学影像技术开发公司。
- Medical Image Processing Lab - SUNY Stony Brook. 医学图象处理实验室。
- FuJian Medical Image WebSite ht. 福建医学影像网。
- Fundamentals of Medical Image Registration. 医学成像的限制基础。
- Ming zhi Medical Image Technology Co., Ltd. 明志医学影像科技有限公司。
- Antimatter/matter reactions have practical applications in medical imaging, see Positron emission tomography (PET). 反物质/物质反应在医学成像有实际应用,注意正电子放射断层摄影术(PET)。
- Editorial Committee of Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd. 中国医学影像技术编委会国药励展展览有限责任公司。
- Section for Medical Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition ENGLISH. 医学图象分析和图象识别部。
- Fundamentals of Medical Image Processing and Analysis. 医学成像处理和分析基础。
- Objective Apply wavelet transform to denoise medical image. 摘要目的利用小波变换进行医学图像去噪。
- Image fusion is a key technology on medical images progressing. 图像融合是医学图像处理中的关键技术。
- Many of today's medical images are processed digitally. 许多今天的医学图像是经过数字化处理的。
- Methods Taking the data of medical imaging as an exa mple to compute entropy value. 方法以医学影像资料为例计算其熵值。
- DICOM pictures,the standard format of medical imaging adopted by PACS,are incompatible with common picture formats. DICOM图像是PACS采用的标准医学影像格式,与常用的图像格式不兼容。
- The researchers describe their model and analysis in the April issue of IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. 研究者在四月份的美国电机及电子工程师学会会刊医学版上对他们的模型进行了描述和分析。