- Yangtao is of high nutrition and medical value. 猕猴桃营养价值和药用价值高;
- Study on the Medical Value of Epicauta chinensis Lap. 中华豆芫箐成虫的药用资源价值研究。
- Title: Study on the Medical Value of Epicauta chinensis Lap. 关键词:中华豆芫箐;斑蝥素;食料植物;药用价值
- The crocodile is a general term of animals of Crocodilia,Reptilia,which have high economic and medical value. 鳄鱼是脊索动物门爬行纲鳄目动物的通称。鳄鱼不仅具有良好的经济价值,还有极高的药用价值。
- For the enrichment of food structure, edible beet has edible nutrition and medical value. 对丰富食物结构而言食用甜菜具有食用营养和药用价值。
- There is productive EPA and DHA in fish oil.Fish oils medical value is very high, and can prevent various diseases. 鱼油富含二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA),它具有很高的医学价值,可防止多种疾病。
- Its spring water contains hydrogen sulfide, have a high medical value, arthritis and skinSignificant effect. 因其泉水中含有硫化氢,具有较高的医疗价值,对关节炎和皮肤病疗效显著。
- Its spring water contains hydrogen sulfide, high medical value for arthritis and skin effect significantly. 因其泉水中含有硫化氢,具有较高的医疗价值,对关节炎和皮肤病疗效显著。
- Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is one of the important ways to promote medical value innovation and the Medici Effect. 摘要:证据医学是促进医疗价值创新与梅迪奇效应的重要途径之一。
- It also has high medical value, effective to the treatment of anemia, insomnia and cardio palmus, etc. 广东荔枝除供鲜食外,还被加工成罐头、荔枝干、荔枝酱等多种食品,畅销中外。用荔枝酿造的美酒,更是芳香馥郁,别有风味。
- Introduced the nutritional and medical value of buckwheat.The processing technology of buckwheat were also emphasized. 介绍了荞麦的营养价值及药用价值,并对其制成品的加工工艺进行了简要介绍。
- Sea cucumbers possess high nutritional and medical value as they are abundant in proteins and mucopolysaccharide. 摘要海参含有丰富的蛋白质和和多糖,营养和药用价值极高。
- Cucumber juice: Doctors with medical value of the cucumber juice on the table, among the best diuretic effect. 黄瓜汁:医学家排列的黄瓜汁医用价值表上,利尿功效名列前茅。
- Momordica charantia L.is rich in nutrients.It has g reat medical value and healthy function. 苦瓜不但营养丰富,而且具有很大的药用价值和保健作用。
- Yongzhou elapidaes refer to several poisonous snakes in cobra family with high medical value. 永州异蛇系指眼镜蛇科的几种剧毒蛇。
- Cato the Elder, an influential Roman thinker two thousand years ago, praised its medical value. 2000年前罗马著名的思想家CatotheElder,称赞了他的应用功效。
- Cato the Elderand influention , an influential Roman thinker 2,000 years ago, prastic praised its medical value. 2000年前罗马一位很有影响力的思想家卡罗就赞扬了其医药价值。
- Thesium chinense Turcz.has a high medical value as one kind of a broad-spectrum antibiotic Chinese herbal medicine. 百蕊草是一种有着较高医用价值的广谱抗菌中草药。
- Cato the Elder, an influential Roman thinker 2,000 years ago, praised its medical value. 两千年千古罗马一个有影响的思想家称赞了它的药用价值。
- The culm,handle,flower,root and pericarp of banana have very high medical value. 香蕉的茎、柄、花、根、果皮具有较高的医疗价值。