- medical students to Japan 留日医学生
- Clinical training plays an important role for medical students to be an eligible clinician. 临床实习是将医学生培养成为临床医生最重要的环节之一。
- The teaching of experiment about how to guide medical students to design and make auscultative system is given. 主要阐述如何进行医学生设计制作计算机听诊系统的实验教学。
- Diagnostics teaching will direct clinical diagnosis by means of culturing medical student to utilize the view of materialist dialectics. 诊断学教学要培养医学生运用唯物辩证法的观点,以指导临床诊断。
- Do you remember taking a trip to Japan with him? 你记得曾经和他到日本旅行吗?
- Tom has been to Japan, I have also been there. 汤姆曾去过日本,我也曾去过。
- How long does it take to fly from here to Japan? 从这里飞到日本要多久?
- In addition, this 4-hour course did enable the 5th-yr medical students to take a more positive attitude toward and become more knowledgeable on CPM than pain-knowledgeable physicians, as a comparison was made. 此外,五年级见习医学生经4小时的癌症疼痛教育后,他们对癌症疼痛处理的知识与态度上改进很多,甚至超越疼痛知识丰富的医师,当然这仍需较长期的观察才知其长期成效。
- She flew to Japan the month before last. 前个月她乘飞机去了日本。
- SEBL method is an simple and effective way of teaching reform,which plays a positive role in promoting medical students to learn the transformation of physiology-psychology-society model. SEBL是一种简单有效的教学改革方法,对于促进医学生医学模式转变具有积极意义。
- They took a trip to Japan last year. 他们去年去日本旅行。
- I suggest strengthening the undergraduate curriculum in psychology and improved education for premedical and medical students to prepare them better to understand natural diversity. 我认为应加强大学部心理学课程,对于医科预备生及医学生,则需加强他们对自然界多样性的瞭解。
- Some American students are on a visit to Japan. 一些美国学生正在访问日本。
- Moreover,PBL enables medical students to master the correct key in learning and the effective mode of thinking in the clinical,and lay the favorable foundation for their own lifelong study. 更重要的是,可以使学生逐步掌握正确的学习方法和有效的临床思维方法,为终身学习打下良好的基础。
- The teacher told the students to get with it. 老师要求学生们注意听讲。
- John worked his passage from New York to Japan by serving as clerk. 约翰乘船从纽约到日本时,在船上当办事员以干活顶替船票。
- We concluded that the combination of PBL and the teaching history of Taiwan's indigenous people helped medical students to learn independently, work cooperatively, and think critically. 是以透过PBL与原住民史之课程内容,可使学生养成自我学习的习惯,并达到医预科课程目标:培养医学生人文素养、自我学习、团队合作与批判能力。
- I'm a grass widow at present, my husband is on voyage to Japan. 我是个临时寡妇。我丈夫正在往日本途中。
- The ratio of students to teachers is 35:1. 学生和老师的比率是三十五比一。
- He is good at teaching his students to reason. 他擅于教导学生如何推理。