- Is Medical Radiation Source the Measurement Apparatus? 医用辐射源是计量器具吗?
- medical radiation source 医用放射源
- The density logger consists of a radiation source. 密度测井仪包括辐射源。
- The one kind of industrial medium temperature radiation source. 一种工业中温黑体辐射源的研制。
- The method of additive radiation source cajolery is studied. 推导水平面内制导精度的计算公 式。
- Frequency of medical radiation exposure in Wuhu city in 1996 and 1998 was reported in this article. 本文报道了芜湖市 1996年和 1998年医疗照射频度水平。
- Experience as a medical radiation technologist is required for supervisors and instructors. 医疗放射科主管人员必须具备丰富的临床经验。
- Methods Basic status of radiotherapy in Anhui province was investigated according to "national medical radiation level survey research programme". 方法按照"全国医疗照射水平调查研究方案",对全省放射治疗基本状况进行调查。
- The farther away that people are from a radiation source, the less the absorbed dose. 距离辐射源越远,所受剂量越少。
- The less time that people are exposed to a radiation source, the less the absorbed dose. 受到辐射照射的时间越短,身体所受的剂量越少。
- The medical imaging technique is one of the most active fields of inquiry in medical radiation diagnostics and the X-ray imaging technique is the main one of medical imaging. 医学影像技术是医学放射诊断学中最活跃的研究领域之一,而X线成像技术是医学成像的主要技术。
- Often used standard light source is synchrotron radiation source and wall stabilized argon arc source. 常用的光源标准如同步辐射光源和壁稳亚弧光源等。
- Without any pollutive source and radiation source green environmental protection. 不含任何污染源和辐射源,绿色环保。
- Characteristic: With infrared radiation source, and average life of 5,000 hours. 特点:红外线辐射源。平均寿命5000小时。
- Relative diffraction efficiencies for these gratings have been calibrated on synchrotron radiation source. 在北京同步辐射源上实验标定了这些光栅的相对衍射效率。
- The Estimation of Doses to the Inhabitants Arising from Natural Radiation Source in the High Background Radiation Area of Yangjiang, China. 天然辐射源致阳江高本底辐射地区居民的剂量估算。
- Bula, R. J., R. C. Morrow, T. W. Tibbitts and D. J. Barta. 1991. Light-emitting diodes as a radiation source for plants. HortScience 26(2): 203-205. 彭江得。1993。光电子技术基础。355-461。初版。台北:儒林图书有限公司。
- In this paper, two approaches of shifting guiding spot are studied: additive radiation source cajolery and shift chain cajolery. 本文针对偏移寻的点方式中的 两种方式:附 加辐射源诱偏和偏移链路诱偏,做了深入地研究。
- The radiation shall be directed onto the test item and shall irradiate the entire surface of the test item facing the solar radiation source. 日照辐射应直接地对测试对象面向光源的所有部分进行照射。
- Title: The Estimation of Doses to the Inhabitants Arising from Natural Radiation Source in the High Background Radiation Area of Yangjiang, China. 关键词:天然辐射源;高本底辐射地区;剂量估算;有效剂量;吸收剂量