- medical legal science 医事法律
- The pure theory of law was an ideal legal science of Kelsen. 纯粹法学是凯尔森理想中的法律科学。
- This paper analyzed the technical elements of telepathology and expatiated on a medical legal duty on consultation. 分章分析了远程病理教学的这些技术要素及应用特点,并就远程病理会诊的医学责任和应用前景提出了自己的见解。
- Don't assume LA is always right.The doctors are under undue influence of HMO and medical legal threat and hence notoriously defensive. 近年,垃圾资讯入眼入耳再入侵脑袋,吃掉脑袋中的记忆空间及损坏思路,令人神经错乱的例子却愈来愈多呢。
- It is a compendium of information about the branches of legal science, legal systems, and institutions. 关于法学、法律体系和法律机构的概要。
- It aims at saving the crisis of western welfare state, the crisis of materialization of law and the epistemological crisis of modern legal science. 它旨在解决西方福利国家的危机、法律实质化的危机和现代法学的认知危机。
- In economic law, the basic principles of economic law are the guidance theory reflection the combination of economic disciplinarian and legal science. 摘要经济法的基本原则是经济法规所体现的具有普遍意义的指导原理,是经济规律与法律科学结合的具体体现。
- These degrees very possibly distinguish between llm not to need the legal science foundation, but generation by specialized related domain experience. 部分大学还安排校外课程,如去布鲁塞尔参观欧盟的法律与政治机构。
- The euthanasia was a dispute already long question, it involved to domains and so on philosophy, medicine, ethics, legal science. 安乐死是一个争议已久的问题,它涉及到哲学、医学、伦理学、法学等领域。
- Hence Professor Dworkin construes a huge structure and special methodology of political and legal science that focus on the rational interpretation of the U. 基于对美国政治法律发展进程中涉及民权的立法和判例的研究,构建了以民主的合宪性概念、宪法之道德解读和整体性宪法观为核心的宪政理论。
- Abstract: In the theories of legal science of evidence, its key of the foundation is to form a cognitive theory conformable to the specialty of modern proving activities. 文章摘要: 证据法学理论基础的根本问题在于形成体现现代证明活动自身特殊性的具体认知理论。
- Those changes which were results of great effort of Kelsen in pursuing the purism of legal science embodied the ideal of constructing the pure theory of law. 这种转变是凯尔森进一步追求法律科学纯粹性的结果,体现了他构建纯粹法学的一贯理想。
- But nor had this ideal been realized until the most recent times.So, the pure theory of law is called the testament of Kelsen to establish a legal science. 但直到凯尔森去世,这一理想也未能实现,纯粹法学成为凯尔森建立法学科学的学术遗嘱。
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 听诊器是一种医疗器械。
- As regards to jus dispositivum, the two branches of legal science differ vastly in the fact that there are much less norms of jus dispositivum in the field of international economic law than in the field of public international law. 就任意法规范而言,与国际公法富含任意法规范不同,国际经济法中的任意法规范甚少。
- On the Internet "The Event Steamed Bun" initiates a succession of "gambling" from the beginning of the year,has the theory value in the legal science domain which is worth thoroughly excavating. 从年初至今互联网上的“馒头”事件引发出的一连串“博弈”效应,在法学领域具有值得深入发掘的理论价值。
- Through a bibliometric study based on CSSCI 2001-2003, we find that Library, Information and Archive Management is a small but active discipline, with little overlapping with mass communications, economics, educational and legal science. 通过对CSSCI 2001-2003年的文献计量分析研究,可以看出图书馆、情报与档案管理一级学科,是一个小而精且比较活跃的学科。 它同新闻与传播学、经济学、教育学和法学等学科有比较多的交叉研究。
- The operation was a marvel of medical skill. 这个手术是医术的一个非凡范例。
- He is a member of the medical fraternity. 他在医务界工作。
- Medical tests showed that he was sterile. 医学检查表明他没有生育能力。