- Influence of fall injury and essentials of its medical history recording 坠落伤伤情的影响因素与病史采集及记录要素
- medical history recording 病史采集
- I'd like you to fill out this medical history form. 请你填写一下病历单。
- Joan told her new doctor about her medical history. 乔安妮向新医师说明自己的病史。
- No particular previous medical history. 既往无特殊病史。
- Her past medical history was unremarkable. 既往病史无特殊。
- Will you fill out this medical history form? 请您把病历表填好,行吗?
- It is a discovery that made medical history. 这是载入医学史册的重大发现。
- I proceeded to take Agatha's medical history. 我继续询问她的用药史。
- Her past medical history is included TB but little else. 她以往的病史是肺结核,此外没有什么。
- Removed %ld history records from %s. 已从 %252! 中删除 %251! 条历史记录。
- History records the march of events. 历史记录史事的演变。
- At the hospital,the chip will tell doctors his or her complete medical history. 在医院,芯片能够告诉医生小患者的医药史。
- History record the name of royal bastard, but cannot tell us the origin of wheat. 历史记载了不少私生龙子龙孙的大名,I却不能告诉我们小麦的起源。
- Her medical history was negative for previous trauma or coagulopathy. 患者没有既往创伤史以及凝血功能障碍。
- Or even go thru their medical history to ensure they didn't have a sex change? 或者去调查她们的体检历史来证明她们没有做过变性手术?
- History records that Cleopatra staged a glorious exit. 史料记载克利奥帕特拉筹划了一个光荣而绚烂的谢幕。
- History records how falsely the Countess of Shrewsbury acted. 历史记录了施鲁斯伯里伯爵夫人的行为是多么虚伪。
- According to history record, at the latest is in BC 4-3 century, the Chinese had learned domestic sericiculture, manual reel off raw silk from cocoons. 据史书记载,至迟在公元前4-3世纪,中国人就已经学会了家庭养蚕,手工抽丝。
- If a foreign student has an accident or an illness, the student should go first to the campus health service or infirmary for treatment, as these facilities maintain a record of each student's medical history. 如果外国留学生发生了意外事故或疾病,他首先应该到学校的卫生服务处或医务室去诊治,这些地方有每个学生的病历纪录。