- Medical ethics education in operative surgery. 浅谈手术学教学中的医德教育。
- Discuss the importance of medical ethics. 分组讨论医疗道德的重要性。
- More and more people are questioning the traditional medical ethic that doctors should do everything possible to prolong the life of a patient whenever possible . 只要有可能,就要尽全力延长患者的生命,这一传统的医学伦理道德观现在受到越来越多的人的置疑。
- The relationship between research on medical Ethic and culture could be corroborated through the two facts of cultural dispute on medical ethic and moral strangers. 当代中国医学伦理学的发展更多地表现出对西方医学伦理理论的移植,而对中国社会特定文化背景的关注不够。
- In profound terms,the reason why the present medical ethic and ethos deteriorate is that the demand of subsidiary positions slips into the pleonexia of negative positions. 从附属医德立场的需求滑向负性医德立场的欲求,在更深层次上显示了当前医德医风败坏的根由。
- Medical ethics (ie those observed by the medical profession) forbid a doctor to have a love affair with a patient. 行医道德有规定,禁止医生与病人谈恋爱。
- Dr. Thomas was condemnedfor violating medical ethics. 托玛士大夫因违反医德而受谴责。
- Medical ethics and business ethics are often intertwined. 医疗伦理和商业伦理是相互联系的。
- Dr. Thomas was condemned for violating medical ethics. 托玛士大夫因违反医德而受谴责。
- The Medical ethics involved in orthokeratology should be aware. 但目前仍存在某些问题有待解决。
- Medical ethics forbid a doctor to have a love affair with a patient. 行医道德有规定,禁止医生与病人谈恋爱。
- When machines trespass into the area of medical ethics, though, hackles rise. 但是,当机器介入医学伦理学领域时,有些人就火了。
- Good medical ethics and superb skills to infertile couples brought the Gospel. 其良好医德及精湛医技给不孕不育夫妇带来了福音。
- In recent years,overtreatment draws common concern of medical ethics circles. 近年来,过度医疗问题引起医学伦理学界的普遍关注。
- Solemn words and deeds, “no greed and fickleness” are specific performance of medical ethics. 言行庄重、不躁不贪是医德的具体表现。
- The adjustment of Medical ethics on ART are affected through ethical regulation,exampling, leading, educating etc. ART医学伦理调控的主要形式有伦理调节、导向、教育、辩护、制约等。
- The emergence of the learning theory of constructivism meets the need of reformation of medical ethics teaching. 建构主义学习理论的兴起满足了医学伦理学教育改革的需要。
- Medical Ethics is rich in emotional content and moral sensibility is different from other features. 医德情感具有丰富的内容和不同于其他道德情感的特征。
- The stethoscope is a medical instrument. 听诊器是一种医疗器械。
- Along with the "Two Meeting in 2006" convening,medical ethics construction has attracted people s attention again. 随着2006年两会的召开,医德医风建设问题再次引起了全社会的高度关注。