- fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus 肱骨内上髁骨折
- Experience in treating fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus in altitude army: report of 36 cases 高原部队肱骨内上髁骨折36例治疗体会
- medial epicondyle of humerus 肱骨内上髁
- fracture of lateral epicondyle of humerus 肱骨外上髁骨折
- Open fracture of internal epicondyle of humerus 肱骨内上髁开放性骨折
- Closed fracture of internal epicondyle of humerus 肱骨内上髁闭合性骨折
- Objective To observe the effect of the diagnoses and therapies to the lateral epicondylitis of humerus based on the principle of myofacial trigger points pain. 目的观察利用触发点疼痛原理对肱骨外上髁炎进行诊断与治疗的效果。
- medial epicondyle of femur 股骨内上髁
- lateral epicondylitis of humerus 肱骨外上髁炎
- The decision to transpose the ulnar nere may be based in part on the injury type and be done when implants are applied to the medial epicondyle and medial side of the trochlea. 转位尺神经的决定在一定程度上可以基于损伤类型,当有植入物用于内上髁和滑车的内侧边时应当进行。
- The decision to transpose the ulnar nerve may be based in part on the injury type and be done when implants are applied to the medial epicondyle and medial side of the trochlea. 转位尺神经的决定在一定程度上可以基于损伤类型,当有植入物用于内上髁和滑车的内侧边时应当进行。
- The calcific sequence of the ossification centers was as follows: capitulum, external semi trochlea, medial epicondyle , inner semitrochlea and lateral epicondyle. 肱骨远端骨骺的骨化中心出现钙化的顺序依次为肱骨小头及外半滑车、内上髁、内半滑车、外上髁。
- There is distinct tenderness in the region of the external epicondyle of the humerus. 表现为肘外侧疼痛,可向肩部,腕部放射,患臂酸软无力,时轻时重。
- lateral epicondyle of humerus 肱骨外上髁
- external epicondyle of humerus 肱骨外上髁
- internal epicondyle of humerus 肱骨内上髁
- Thus, even if direct penetration of the ulnar nerve is avoided, simply placing a medial epicondyle entry pin adjacent to the nerve may cause injury, presumably by constriction of the cubital tunnel. 所以即使避免了直接穿透尺神经,单纯紧靠尺神经打入内上髁骨圆针也会导致尺神经损伤,其原因可能是限制了肘管。
- Medially the humeral shaft can be approached posterior to the intermuscular septum along a line extending proximally from the medial epicondyle. 切口从肱骨内上髁开始,向近侧沿肌间隔的后方进入肱骨干内侧。
- Analysis of triamcinolone acetonaide acetate added to bupivacaine and lidocaine differently for lateral epicondylitis of humerus 确炎舒松复合不同局麻药行痛点封闭治疗网球肘疗效分析
- Keywords Lateral epicondylitis of humerus;Lateral muscle group of elbow;Myofacial trigger points pain;Wet needling;Stretch exercise; 肱骨外上髁;肘外侧肌群;肌筋膜触发点疼痛;针刺;牵张锻炼;