- Lewis Hamilton on Thursday played down British media speculation that he might consider leaving McLaren. 汉密尔顿周四淡化英国媒体猜测他可能会考虑离开迈凯轮.
- Reds defender Gabriel Heinze insists he's taking no notice of current media speculation linking him with an Old Trafford exit. 红魔后卫海因策表示他毫不理会外界关于他将离开老特拉福德的传闻。
- Jennifer Lopez has again denied constant media speculation she is desperately trying to conceive a baby with her husband Marc Anthony. 有关媒体不断报道珍妮弗洛佩兹渴望与丈夫安东尼生一个孩子,对此传闻珍妮弗再次予于否认。
- After umpteen months of caucuses, by-elections, primaries, media speculation and mud-slinging, the American Presidential Nomination season is over. 经过数月的政党会议、递补选举、初选、媒体猜测、言论攻击,美国总统提名期已经结束。
- However, despite frenzied media speculation Manchester City star of the possibility of extension, but they must be Terry are basically impossible. 然而,尽管媒体疯狂炒作曼城的巨星引援可能性,但他们要得到特里基本上不可能完成。
- Recently, China and Germany media speculation in the double loop with BMW, Mercedes-Benz car off the appearance of the counterfeit. 最近,中德两国媒体都在热炒双环公司与宝马、奔驰对峙汽车外观仿冒一事。
- If the media speculation is true, a small Busquets previously revealed the attitude of the switch to Real Madrid untrue. 如果媒体揣测属实,以小布斯克茨先前所表露出的态度来看,转投皇马纯属子虚乌有。
- Media speculation about Leung's love story had been rife since the former investment banker, who is divorced, became Hong Kong's finance secretary last May. 梁锦松,这位离异的银行投资家自从去年五月成为财政司司长之后,媒体对他和付明霞的恋爱故事的揣测已经传得沸沸扬扬。
- Shinzo Abe, 52, has pledged to encourage Japanese to have more children to reverse a declining birthrate, triggering media speculation as to why he is childless himself. 52岁的安倍晋三鼓励日本人为阻止出生率下降而积极生育,但他膝下无子的事实却惹来媒体各种猜测。
- Earlier, Victoria day to stay at home to avoid the media see more secret familiar with the Department of Obstetrics and inspections, media speculation she was pregnant. 此前,维多利亚终日躲在家中避见传媒,更秘密约见了相熟的妇产科医生进行检查,因此,媒体猜测她是否又怀孕了。
- Media speculation about Leung's love story had been[ color= Red][ b] rife[/ b][/ color] since the former investment banker, who is divorced, became Hong Kong's finance secretary last May. 梁锦松,这位离异的银行投资家自从去年五月成为财政司司长之后,媒体对他和付明霞的恋爱故事的揣测已经传得沸沸扬扬。
- The Real Madrid midfielder has been at the centre of media speculation about his marriage to former Spice Girls singer Victoria Beckham following newspaper allegations about his private life. 在私生活受到报纸的谴责之后,这位皇家马德里的中场球星最近由于和前辣妹组合主唱维多利亚·贝克汉姆的婚姻状况而再次成为媒体关注的焦点。
- Media speculation on the possible options had run wild in recent weeks, ranging from "budgie smugglers" -- scant male swimwear -- and thongs (flip flops) to khaki shirts and shorts in memory of late crocodile hunter Steve Irwin. 近几周,媒体对本届悉尼APEC的服装大加猜测,其中包括紧身男式泳装(又称“走私鹦鹉”)、夹指凉拖,卡其布衬衫以及纪念已故鳄鱼捕手史蒂夫?厄温的短裤。
- Mr Kim's health is a focus of intense media speculation because of concerns about instability in the North and a possible power struggle if he were to die without naming a successor. 金正日的健康状况之所以成为媒体密集揣测的焦点,是因为人们关注朝鲜的动荡,以及如果他来不及指明接班人就去世,朝鲜内部可能发生权力斗争。
- Media speculation in Britain and France last week had led to suggestions that Wenger may succeed Charles Villeneuve as president of Paris St Germain when his Arsenal contract expires. 英国和法国的媒体上周曾提出一个观点,在他的合同结束后,温格将取代查尔斯。维伦纽夫担任巴黎圣日耳曼队的主席。
- She hides from public view and the media speculate about her emotional state. 她躲避公众的目光,而媒体却在不断揣测她的情绪状况。
- Therefore,some foreign media speculated this act as “China's warning on France for sabotaging Sino-French relations. 有外国媒体由此猜测此举为“中国警告法国破坏中法关系”。
- However, some media speculated that China, North Korea's major ally, and Russia were likely to veto or water down any new sanctions against the North. 但是,据媒体推测,作为朝鲜主要盟国的中国,以及俄罗斯,可能对任何新的制裁措施予以否决或进行淡化处理。
- Meanwhile, the Chinese media speculate openly that social unrest could rise to dangerous levels, if economic growth slackens. 与此同时,中国媒体公开猜测,如果经济增速放缓,社会的不安定性将加剧至危险的程度。
- Italian media speculated that a deal could still be reached by the parties irrespective of the arbitrary deadline set down by MLS during the week. 意大利媒体推测,协议仍可望各方达成不论任意期限的规定,由大联盟在本周。