- mechanical failu re 机械故障
- The resounding merger between AOL and Times-Warner ended in failu re of the alliance and the decline of AOL in a very short pe riod of only two yea rs or so. 曾轰动一时的美国在线同时代华纳的合并,只经过短短的两年多时间,就演变成联盟失败和美国在线衰落的结局。
- Is this equipment tested for mechanical aptitude? 这台设备测定了其机械适应性了吗?
- I want to speak to you re your behaviour. [口]关于你的行为,我想跟你谈一谈。
- We need a mechanical digger to level the ground. 我们需要一台挖掘机来平整土地。
- Re your letter of 1 September ... 关於您9月1日的来信 ...
- The move water have mechanical energy. 流动的水拥有机械能。
- Blinking is a mechanical action of the eyelids. 眨眼是眼睑的无意识动作。
- A mechanical model of the solar system. 太阳系仪太阳系的机械模型
- In a strict, step-by-step or mechanical way. 机械地以严格的,一步一步的或机械的方式
- A droning, mechanical delivery of the speech. 一篇低沉单调、呆板的演说
- The shepherd re - collect his flock. 牧人重新聚集起他的羊群。
- Automatic and impersonal; mechanical. 机械的无意识的,无人性的; 机械的
- They’re saving money towards a new house. 他们攒钱想买幢新房子。
- Re : Dlvry, Pls ifm yr best dlvry time. 关于交货期,请告知你方最佳交货时间。
- One of the lorries dropped back with a mechanical defect. 一辆卡车因出故障而落在后面了。
- The ball was too low to hit an overhead re turn. 那个球实在太低无法高举回击。
- The wound re opened in a gush of blood. 伤口又裂开了,血流如注。
- There re two kinds of white ones and black ones. 有两种棋子: 白色的和黑色的。
- C. O erve pupillary re o e of both eyes. 观察双眼瞳孔反应。