- mechanical basic courses 机械基础
- mechanical basic courses group 机械基础课程群
- Basic Courses in General Disciplines: 10crs. 学科大类基础课程:10学分。
- Research into the Mechanical Basic Courses Education Reform and Construction in the major of Automible Maintenance and Detection and Engineering Mechanics in Higher Professional Education 高等职业教育汽车维修与检测、工程机械专业机械基础课程教学改革与建设的研究
- High-grade education has to have high-level basic courses. 高品位教育必须有高层次的基本课程。
- Basic Course of Modern Science and Technology II. 现代科学技术基础2。
- Zoology was the basic course of biological science. 动物学是生物科学专业重要的专业基础课。
- Accounting, Business Negotiation, Marketing, English phraseology, vocabulary and other basic courses. 会计、商务谈判、市场营销、英语语法、词汇学以及一些其它的基本课程。
- On this basis, the disciplinary curricula are divided into disciplinary basic courses and crosswise expanded courses. 在此基础上,笔者将安全工程专业课程体系分为学科基础课程和横向展开课程;
- A basic course in Russian; A set of basic woodworking tools. 俄语的一门基础课程;一套基本的木匠工具。
- This course is a professional basic course of Civil Engineering. 本课程是土木工程专业的一门专业基础课。
- Compared with public basic courses, students find less interest and logic in specialized basic courses. 专业基础课相对于公共基础课来说,逻辑性、趣味性较弱,专业性较强。
- In this paper,we discuss these changes and their affect on EE and IS education and some basic courses reform trends. 本文讨论这些变革对电工程与信息科学教育之影响,以及一些基础课程改革的动向。
- For a comprehensive discipline like this, the priority sh ould be placed on basic courses instead of on specialties. 强调了安全工程这样的综合学科教育更应重基础、淡专业;
- At any rate,we must ensure that we have quite a number of students who study the basic courses well. Otherwise,we shall suffer a lot in the future. 我们无论如何要保证有一批学生基础课学得好,否则将来要吃大亏。
- The basic courses for the major in art design consist of color composition, three-dimensional construction and planar formation. 摘要“平面构成”与“色彩构成”、“立体构成”组合成三大构成,是艺术设计专业的基础课。
- At any rate, we must ensure that we have quite a number of students who study the basic courses well. Otherwise, we shall suffer a lot in the future. 我们无论如何要保证有一批学生基础课学得好,否则将来要吃大亏。
- Remarks: Students who finish the Basic course can apply for the Advance Course. 备注:完成初级课程可以报读进阶课程。
- Investigate and deal with sb the case is the important step that aggrandizement supervises, it is record be careful in one's conduct a of censorial mechanism basic function. 构建教育、制度、监督三者并重的惩治和预防腐败体系,是加强党的执政能力建设的重要内容。查办案件是强化监督的重要手段,是纪检监察机关的一项基本职能。近年来,我们徐州市纪委充分发挥查办案件在惩防体系中的功能作用,取得了良好的政治、经济和社会效果。
- The basic course of Tao is to practice yoga and Zen, and to sit in meditation. 而求道的门径,也应就是瑜伽练习,打坐及禅修了。