- The machine is feectured in trail transport, mechanic transmission, partial hydraulic operation, in tegral drill touver and hydraulic erection/lowering. 该机为全拖挂式机械传动,部分液压操纵,整体钻塔,液压起降。
- Mechanical transmission also occurs from bleeding, vaccination and embryo transfer programs. 机械性传播还可发生于流血、疫苗接种、胚胎移植等。
- Automatic mechanical transmission is advantaged due to its simple structure, low cost and high efficiency. 电控机械式自动变速器以其结构简单、成本低、效率高,在自动变速器中占有重要地位。
- HMT( The hydraulic and mechanical transmission) is a new type stepless transmission. 液压机械传动(MT)一种新型的无级变速装置。
- Dividing by mechanical transmission below intermittent operation to stop AE degree AE stop AE degree. 分度传动机械按下面间歇操作停止AE分度AE停止AE分度。
- This series mechanical transmission is in accordance with the PRC National Professional Standards. 本系列机械式变速器符合中华人民共和国国家专业标准。
- Apart from being a low-speed mechanical transmission, but also can be used as a sub-degree turntable determine the final location of the machinery. 除了作为低速传动机械外,也可用作在分度转台时确定最后位置的机械。
- These findings do not supportthe hypothesis that mosquitoes are involved in either biological or mechanical transmission of hepatitis B. 这些发现不支持蚊虫涉及乙肝传播的生物或机械途径。
- Due to mechanical transmission components are two sets of roller cam bearings can be set up independently timing, prompted plane movements. 由于部件传送机械有两套滚子轴承式凸轮,可独立设置定时,促使平面动作。
- It is elevated by feet-oil pump, mechanical transmission are applied for head operation in other parts of the unit, The feet inlay-bar is made of stainless steel. 该手术台上升、下降为脚踏油泵式,其余动作均为机械传动头部操纵,踏脚镶条均为不锈钢制作。
- Correct mechanical transmission device: the degree or stop when precision roller set at a fixed location, it does not need any lock components. 正确的传动装置机械:在分度或停止的时候,滚子精准固定在设定的位置,故不需要任何锁定元件。
- The mechanic was at work on your bicycle then. 当时修理工在修理你的自行车。
- The gearshift of an automated mechanical transmission is performed by cutting off the power.The key to the gearshift of AMT is shift quality. 摘要机械式自动变速器为非动力换挡,换挡品质是AMT换挡控制的关键。
- Manipulator for shell making has experienced the developed stages from mechanical transmission to hydraulic transmission to high automation. 制壳机械手经历了机械传动、液压传动到高度自动化等几个发展阶段。
- The mechanic checked out the car battery. 汽车修理工检验了汽车里的电池。
- He's neither an electrician nor a mechanic. 他既不是电工也不是技工。
- Host used precision-screw, precision inlay just V-rails, high-precision mechanical transmission, processing machine with multiple functions taper. 主机采用精密珠丝杠,精密镶刚V型导轨、机械传动精密度高,机床具有多种锥度加工功能。
- That young man is a motor mechanic. 那个年轻人是一个汽车修理工。
- Be aware of properties of mechanical transmission and metal, be able to assemble parts according to reassembling drawing. 懂液压气动驱动原理,能够独立分析液压气动图。
- The instrument consists of the infrared photo source-solar battery.PBS element, micro-controller system, mechanical transmission organ and RF system. 该装置由激光光源-光电池、单片机控制系统、机械传动机构、无线发射-接收系统组成。