- meat cutter unloader 切片机中将切片推出的装置
- One version of hot dog history says a butcher, or meat cutter, from the German city of Coburg was responsible. 一个关于热狗起源的版本指出一个来自德国的科堡的屠夫或者叫卖肉的发明了热狗的说法是可靠的。
- Meat processing standard/vacuum bowl cuffe r,mixer,mincer, frozen meat cutter. 肉类加工的标准/真空斩拌机,搅拌机,绞肉机,冻肉切割机。
- Unable to afford college tuition, he worked as a meat cutter, a produce salesman, and a welder on battleships during World War II. 由于付不起大学学费,他做过切肉工,农产品销售员,并且在二战期间在战舰上当焊接工。
- One version of hot dog history says a butcher, or meat cutter, from the German city of Coburg was responsible.It says he invented the hot dog in the late sixteen hundreds. 关于热狗历史的一个版本说柯包的一个德国城市的一个屠夫,或是一个砍肉者非常负责任,据说就是他在十六世纪晚期发明了热狗。
- Skilled worker immigration to Canada for welders, car mechanic, cook, pork technician, Long haul trucker, meat cutter, machinist, tool &die maker, plumbers etc. 加拿大技术移民,工种包括:焊工,汽车修理工,厨师,养猪工人,卡车司机,剁肉工人,机械工,模具工,水管工等。
- FAITH LAPIDUS: One version of hot doghistory says a butcher, or meat cutter, from the German city ofCoburg was responsible.It says he invented the hot dog in the latesixteen hundreds. (参考:热狗历史的其中一个版本是德国科伯市的一位屠夫,或者说是切肉的人在十七世纪末发明了热狗。
- Starting from this premise, the Meat Cutters opinion looked beyond the text of the statute itself. 从这一前提出发,“切肉机”案的观点好像超出了法规条文的范围。
- People who work within the system include the cashiers, the stock boys, meat cutters, deli workers, etc. 在该体系下工作的人包括收银员,打包并安放商品的小工,切肉工,运货工等等。
- Mary began to unload her trouble onto her mother. 玛丽开始把她的烦恼告诉她的母亲。
- The Meat Cutters decision expanded the range of procedural safeguards that are considered relevant to the delegation question. “切肉机”案的判决扩大了被认为与授权问题有关的程序保护措施的范围。
- Like the Yakus Case, Meat Cutters involved a broad grant of discretion to the President to set limits on wages and prices throughout the national economy. 和“耶克斯”案一样,“切肉机”案涉及授予总统规定整个国民经济中薪金和价格的广泛酌处权。
- The ship was allowed to unload cargo on the wharf. 那艘船被允许在码头上卸货。
- The meat marinated in the brine for two days. 这块肉在盐水里泡了两天。
- Cook the meat quickly at first to seal in the juices. 一开始要大火烧肉,以便保存肉汁。
- A family on a budget can't afford meat every day. 经济拮据的家庭不能每天享用肉食。
- The dog was attracted by the smell of the meat. 狗受到肉味的引诱。
- The meat should be finely diced. 这块肉必须细细切成小方块。
- The Meat Cutters case was not the first to suggest that procedural safeguards to assure fair, informed decisionmaking can be crucial to the validity of a possibly overbroad delegation. 程序保护措施是确保公正和得到充分信息的决策,这一保护措施有可能对过分宽泛的授权的合法性至关重要。 “切肉机”案并非是第一个提出上述暗示的。
- The Morrison approach closely resembles the modern approach to another separation of powers issue: whether particular powers can be delegated to agencies in the first place. See the discussion of Meat Cutters and Schor at pp. 2129, 31 supra. “莫里森”案的方法非常近似于当代另一个处理分权问题的方法:特定的权力是否可以首先授予政府机构(参见第一章之四的关于”切肉机”案和‘“斯科尔”案的讨论)。