- measuring size range 测定粒度范围
- Notes: Size range available with blue. 说明:蓝色部分为可供规格。
- Using glue, cover paper cups with colour paper. When measuring size of cup with the paper allow some extra space. 用胶水将彩纸粘到纸杯杯身上。在测量纸杯用纸多少时,应该留出富余。
- Most commonly measured optical quantities in the atmosphere are heavily dominated by portion of the size range. 大气中普通测量的大多数光学量都明显地由粒子大小范围的某一段来决定。
- It is natural to invoke the properties of the aerosol in dividing up this tremendous size range. 要把这很大的尺度范围进行分划自然要借用粒子的性质。
- The index must be within the size range of the collection and cannot exceed the size range or be less than zero. 索引必须在集合的大小范围之内,不能超过该大小范围或小于零。
- Size: each arm is 15cm long to handle a wide size range;the long 12.7cm safety handle is a clear,nonconducting acrylic. 大小:两只金属臂皆长15公分:把手为长12.;7公分,透明、不导电之压克力制成。
- Sizes range from small benchtop chambers to full walk-in rooms. 尺寸大小从小型的案头试验室到可以行走进入的房间。
- Info:Fabric composition:80% polyamide/nylon, 20% elastane Size range:S-XXL Color: Any Order delive ...... 主要材质:尼龙/锦纶次要材质:粘胶/人造丝尺码:全码适用季节:四季
- There might be an optimum particle size range for CA and CMA to achieve the maximum carbonation capability. 存在最佳的粒径范围使醋酸钙和醋酸钙镁的碳酸化能力最大。
- Info:100% mercerized cotton210GSM. Size range:S-XXL Color: Any 1) Soft &Comfortable 2) ...... 主要材质:棉次要材质:棉尺码:全码适用季节:夏
- The extension of the grain size range is from south to north on the whole and it is concordant with the direction of the ebb tide. 基本上为近南北向排列 ,与落潮方向一致。
- Icebergs size ranges from the one of an ice cube to the one of a country. 冰山尺寸大小不一,小至一块方冰,大至相当于一个国家的面积。
- Wide size range, pressure range and added options allow further market needs to be met - Reliance on world's largest wafer check line to supply more needs. 界上最大的对夹式止回阀系列产品能够满足更多的需求。
- This machine is widely applied for Food,pharmac eutical,and Chemical products in mesh size range from 120 to 400,such as Milk powder,Soya powder,Cosmetic powder,Slimming Tea. 适合于食品、医药、化工、农药产品中的120-400目的粉末物料的全自动包装;如:食品添加剂、奶粉、豆粉、蛋白粉、中药粉、面膜粉、保健茶粉等。
- Several typical measurement methods on nanoparticle are introduced.Comparison among these methods is made according to their application areas and applicable particle size range. 介绍了几种具有代表性的纳米粒子检测方法,就其应用领域和测量范围比较各自的优缺点。
- They differ in size but not in kind. 这些东西的区别只是大小不同而实质一样。
- Aplitic varieties are the rule, with the grain size ranging from medium to pegmatitic. 长英质的变种照例具有中等至伟晶的粒度。
- Comprises: 17 food savers in sizes ranging from 9x9x4 cm to 23x16x8 cm. 包含:17件冰箱食品罐,大小从9x9x4 cm至23x16x8 cm。
- At the same time, in an area where indoor use is scientifically measured size, confined to the personal life to meet the needs of occupants principles do not waste an inch of space. 同时,在斟酌室内面积使用方面,更是科学地衡量尺寸,恰到好处地以满足居住者生活起居的需要为原则,做到不浪费一寸空间。