- A break or rest in a line of poetry; a caesura. (诗中)节奏的停顿在一行诗歌中的中断或停顿;休止
- measured lines of poetry 有韵脚的诗句
- A single metrical line in a poetic composition;one line of poetry. 诗句;诗行一部诗作中的一个诗行;诗的一行
- A single metrical line in a poetic composition; one line of poetry. 诗句;诗行一部诗作中的一个诗行;诗的一行
- Whistler, with all his faults, was never guilty of writing a line of poetry. 惠斯勒缺点虽多,但尚未犯过写一行诗的罪。
- Whistler,with all his fault,is never guilty of write a line of poetry. 惠斯勒缺点虽多,但尚未犯过写一行诗的罪。
- Whistler,with all his faults,was never guilty of writing a line of poetry. 惠斯勒缺点虽多,但尚未犯过写一行诗的罪。
- Whit cer, with all his fault, is never guilty of write a line of poetry. 惠斯勒缺点虽多,但尚未犯过写一行诗的罪。
- Whistler, with all his fault, is never guilty of write a line of poetry. 惠斯勒缺点虽多,但尚未犯过写一行诗的罪。
- A few lines of rhyming doggerel don't count as poetry. 几行押韵的蹩脚诗算不上是诗。
- A group of eight lines of poetry, especially the first eight lines of a Petrarchan sonnet. 前八行诗诗歌中一组八行,尤指彼得拉克十四行诗中的前八行
- A group of eight lines of poetry,especially the first eight lines of a Petrarchan sonnet. 前八行诗诗歌中一组八行,尤指彼得拉克十四行诗中的前八行
- Fan Po-wen's poetic mood suddenly, returned, and he soon had a couple of decent lines of poetry. 诗兴忽又在范博文的心灵上一跳,他立刻得了两句好诗;
- A treatise on or study of poetry or aesthetics. 诗学论文对诗歌或美学的专论或研究
- No one to answer, given their line of poetry is the most perfect interpretation. 没有人给得出答案,他们的诗行给出的是最完美的诠释。
- Participation in tender is in our line of business. 参加投标属于我们的业务范围。
- A long line of car is unable to pass that road hog. 一长串的车子无法超越那个挡道的汽车驾驶。
- How do you get start in that line of work? 你是怎么开始干那一行的?
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
- Short lines of poetry, ruminating about the history of the world, penned by young scholars standing in the doorway to the rest of their intellectual lives? 简短的诗歌,或是对世界历史的反思,亦或年轻学者在步入余生的学术生涯门口的创作?