- Don't figure on getting any money from him- he is a mean person. 别指望能从他那里得到什么钱--他小气得很。
- There's no need to get steamed up about such a mean person. 没有必要为这样的卑鄙小人而大动肝火。
- Money can buy off a mean person, but it can never buy off truth. 金钱可以收买小人,却不能收买真理。
- Such a mean person should have been kicked off the medical team long ago. 像这样的浊流之辈应该尽早清除出医疗队伍。
- Saber just means person using sword ba? 你点知我比较钟意用剑架??
- Yes, I want to change into another company. You know, our boss is such a mean person, I really can't stand anymore! 是啊,我想换个工作。我们的老板太刻薄了,我实在是受不了了。
- The best person is the wife,the meanest person is the ferryman. 最好的人是妻子,最坏的人是船夫。
- A mean person expects all things from others, and then forgets to reward the favor. A virtuous person does not expect things from others, and always thinks of repaying favors. 小人专希望人给,给过就忘君子不轻受人恩,受则必报。
- I mentioned your health previously in your report - if you don't have a dispute with any cranky, mean person at the time near June 7, you may not feel your best. 我在前部分提到了你的健康问题,如果在6月7日左右你没有和古怪、小气的人争吵的话,你或许不会感到你处于最佳状态。
- He is a man of mean person. 他出身寒微。
- My interest is in your friendship with Brigitte. Before you worked with her, did you know her? I mean personally. 我感兴趣的是你和林青霞的友情。在你跟她合作以前,你认识她吗,我指私人之间。
- Conscience means person's awareness of right and wrong with regard to his own thoughts and actions. 是指良心、是非感的意思。我们常说的问心无愧就是
- A nine days'wonder means person or thing that attracts attention for a short time but is soon forgotten. 昙花一现的人或事物。
- Akiko: My interest is in your friendship with Brigitte. Before you worked with her, did you know her? I mean personally. 作者:我感兴趣的是你和林青霞的友情。在你跟她合作以前,你认识她吗,我指私人之间。
- Second, lofty: The loftiness is a kind of embodiment of the heroism spirit in fact, mean persons and natural trial of strength and surmount . 二、崇高性:崇高实质上是英雄主义精神的一种体现,意味着人与自然的较量与超越。
- The assembled Council of Burgundy cannot refuse to a monarch the justice which in my country is rendered to the meanest person under accusation. 勃艮第的满朝文武自然不会拒绝给一位国王哪怕苏格兰一个最卑微的受审者也会得到的公正裁决。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- Do you mean say we are met for a thunder storm? 你肯定我们会遇到一场雷雨?
- I feel mean for not doing more for my son. 我对没为我儿子多做点事而感到惭愧。